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山都在震动。The mountains shook.

春雷震动山谷。Spring thunder shook the valley.

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大地在他的脚下震动。The ground quaked under his feet.

一声霹雳震动了群山。A clap of thunder wakes the hills.

同时,硬木吸收冲击震动的能力也更强。Hard wood is more shock absorbent.

这让我们这些中国孩子很受震动。It was jarring for us Chinese kids.

所以钩集骨震动坚实。So hook-sets are bone-jarring solid.

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操作震动计要小心。Handle the vibrometer with great care.

——震动了他妈的世界的十个字。Ten words that shook the fuckin’ world.

一个罗马尼亚人的过程中震动很大。A big shock for the Romanians of course.

震动电机驱动送纸,输纸平稳。Feeding paper stable by Vibratory Motor.

这里是震动256,次每秒。Here I have 256 oscillations per second.

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直到震动结束前呆在车里。Stay in the car until the shaking stops.

地震震动了许多建筑物。The earthquake displaced many buildings.

火车经过时房女会震动。The house shook when the trains went by.

临近的阿根廷也能感到此次震动。The quake was felt in Argentina as well.

今天你们换震动筛筛布了吗?。Have you changed the shaker screen today?

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扎克雷运动是人民的震动。Jacqueries are earthquakes of the people.

没有震动、没有异味、没有噪音。There's no vibration, no smell, no noise.

因地震的震动力而摇动。The island was convulsed by an earthquake.