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拖泥带水的销售归咎于谨慎的心理。Draggy sales are attributed to a psychology of caution.

是,你是第一个,其他男人都直截了当的,从不拖泥带水。Yes, you are the first, other man is blunt, never messy.

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星蚀毫无疑问是会带来最终答案的,绝不拖泥带水。Eclipses call for final decisions, with no delaying the answer.

我们只有雷霆,只有闪电,只有风暴,我们没有拖泥带水的雨!We only have thunder, lightning and storm. We don't have sloppy rain.

避免点一些拖泥带水的食物,比如意大利面,排骨,蟹或炸鸡。Avoid messy foods such as spaghetti, spareribs, crab or fried chicken.

拖泥带水的爱,最后也只剩下无尽的伤感。The loathsome love, also is only left over inexhaustible moved finally.

今天下班难得的不拖泥带水,基本准时到家。The class is god-given below today not messy, basic and punctual excellent.

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生命非常短暂,所以要加紧脚步,快速前进,不可拖泥带水。Because life is so short, we should increase our footsteps and move forward quickly.

琦是CTU总督察,爽快撇脱,做事公私分明,处理感情从不拖泥带水。SAM is a Chief Inspector in CTU. She is decisive and never mixes personal matters with work.

干脆、利落、迅捷,丝毫没有拖泥带水的痕迹,这是理查德森的扣篮。Clear-cut, agile, fast, there is not a messy trace at all, this is dunking shot of Richardson.

他干什么事总是快刀斩乱麻,从不拖泥带水。He never procrastinates , but always takes resolute measures to solve a complicated problem in an instant.

这回倒是挺顺当,还两本借一本,风行水上,干净利落,毫不拖泥带水。This is quite smoothly, also the two borrow a book, smoothly, smooth and clean, do not do things sloppily.

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因如此程度的浓缩和换位,角色的深入毫不拖泥带水。Given the extent of the cuts and transpositions , there could be no lingering over the development of character.

但是签订这个全面性协定,我们须得准备应付许多拖泥带水的事情。But if a general agreement is to be signed, we must be prepared as a consequence to deal with many messy matters.

拉科尼亚人有个习惯不同寻常,说话简洁精练,从不拖泥带水。One of the strange rules which the Lacons had was that they should speak briefly, and never use more words than were needed.

的确,薄熙来性子急,说话直,做事雷厉风行,不拖泥带水,身边一起共事的人常常说他是“工作狂”。Bo is indeed quick-tempered and outspoken. He is a man of action and does not tolerate any sloppiness. His colleagues call him a "workaholic".

现任财长盖特纳则似乎有些拖泥带水,但也有人认同他的谨慎为上。Currently hold the post of money to grow Gaitena to appear to have some of messy, but also the discretion that somebody agrees with him is on.

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它意味着可被传递的价值--一份针对目标客户公司的弱点及解决问题的可得资源所做的报告--不拖泥带水。It promises a valuable deliverable—a report on the company’s vulnerability and resources to deal with the problem in question—with no strings attached.

在我为“幽默栏目”写东西时,我得说一声领教了“客户服务部门”的“消极服务”—–就是“互联网服务的拖泥带水”。As I write this column, I have literally been brought to my knees by the customer support department for my "ISP, " which stands for "Internet Slow Provider.

可用它来补偿人声或乐器的邻近效应,或降低可使乐器声音显得沈闷或拖泥带水的低频部分。Use this setting with vocals or instruments to compensate for proximity effect or to reduce the low frequencies that can make an instrument sound dull or muddy.