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那些边角碎料呢?Those corner scrap it?

他能用金属边角余料制造出不同的工具。He could make tools out of odd bits of metal.

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他用锉刀把木材的边角磨平了。He used a file to smooth the corner of the wood.

您可以为每个边角指定不同的值。You can specify each corner with a different value.

钢的边角废料,含铁的不含铁的。The scrap metal are steel, ferreous and non ferreous.

用力搓洗玻璃,注意要多角度清洁各个边角。Scrub the glass, working at all angles to clean the edges.

看,蓝金色相间的边角线也很整齐,里面肯定是含一些元素的。See, trim lines, blue and gold, and it has elements on it.

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袋盖由槽钮扣合,其边角呈斜角。The slotted button closure pocket flap corners are angled.

倾斜橡皮清洁刷以保证只有边角接触玻璃。Tip the squeegee so that only the corner contacts the glass.

衬白布底,边角无破损但箱面下塌。There is no damage of each angle but the surface of the trunk.

那条地席的边角得钉住以免它卷起来。That mat has to be hammered down at the edges to stop it curling.

如果他们只是需要我在边角投3分,我可以做得到。If they just need me to come shoot corner 3-pointers, I can do that.

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浑圆度取决于边角的锐度或曲率半径。Roundness depends on the sharpness or radius of curvature of the edges.

忘记衣钩或餐桌的边角——只用衣架。Forget clothes hooks or the side of your dining room table–hangers only!

浮雕式边角设计,彰显尊容华贵。Bossed corner design brilliantly intensifies its features and luxurious appearance.

在同一页上留出空间或纸的边角给第二步的作业。Leave space on the same page or a facing page for the second part of the assignment.

之后,用水磨机对石板的边角进行抛光。After that, use water-mill machine to polish the edges and angles of the slate material.

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钢轨断面使用特殊的轨距边角磨石来保养。The rail's existing profile is maintained by using special gauge corner grinding stones.

根据部分测量结果分析了这些因素对边角处颗粒回流效应的影响。The influence of some factors on the wall and corner particle back-flow was analyzed too.

常常通过在其自然产品的设计中使用圆润的边角来传达一种舒适感。Apple regularly uses rounded edges in its design of physical products to convey a sense of ease.