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那一刹那是惊天动地的。It was a terrible moment.

源于地之心的惊天动地之火Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth

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这个小小的调整不错,但是,却算不上是一个惊天动地的突破。That's a nice little added tweak, but nothing ground-shaking.

这让上赛季4-3的比分看起来有点惊天动地。Which makes last season's 4-3 look like a veritable avalanche.

即使惊天动地,坐船旅行也要占用很长时间。Evenif you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take along time.

我听到了礼炮的轰鸣,那声音惊天动地。I heard the roar of the gun salute, then the sound earth-shaking.

一直期待制造“惊天动地的一秒”。Always waiting for a chance to create a "world-shattering second".

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此外,多罗真的让出一个惊天动地的尖叫声在这条赛道的耳!Plus, Doro really lets out an ear-shattering scream on this track!

一场惊天动地的人妖之恋,道尽了三界的儿女情长。An earthshaking genie narcissists, word of all three ErNvQingChang.

然后,随着一声惊天动地的巨响,半座冰山被炸飞了。Then with a shocking bang, half of the ice mountain was blasted away.

用勤劳的双手捧出一卷惊天动地的史书。Peng Chu industrious hands with earth-shattering volume history books.

不管是平淡如水、细小如丝,还是惊天动地、轰轰烈烈,青春都是幸福的。Whether it's dull, fine as silk, or strong and vigorous, youth is happy.

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没有惊天动地的过程,平平淡淡地相处,自自然然地结婚。Not earth-shattering, to get along with flat light, spontaneously marriage.

没错,相信我们能如一树繁花,开得惊天动地。Yes, I believed we could act flowers in the same tree, was a earth-shattering.

在行将过去的这一年里,美国和整个世界都上演着一幕幕惊天动地的悲剧。The year brought stories of great tragedy both in the United States and the world.

所以,我们用心守候着属于自己的并不惊天动地的爱情。Therefore, we are keeping watch attentively belong to self not world-shaking love.

或许我没有惊天动地的经历,但我也会抓住眼前的机会,在适合自己的角度,争取。I don't have any world-shaking experience, but I can seize chances and strive for it.

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在混乱的环境会不时发生惊天动地的碰撞。That chaotic environment produced the occasional literally Earth-shattering collision.

虽然算不上惊天动地的变化,但至少能让你的读者不再小觑你。It won’t change your world, but it will help your readers take you a bit more seriously.

1993年,惊悚科幻电影侏罗纪公园展现了惊天动地的视听效果。The1993tech- thriller Jurassic Parkmay offertheground-breaking visual and sound effects.