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我们有空气污染,水污染和土地污染。We have air pollution, water pollution and land pollution.

所以,这次病毒感染是水污染引起的,应表述为。Water contamination was to blame for the norovirus outbreak.

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水污染问题中最著名的是日本的水俣病。Water pollution is the most famous in Japan's Minamata disease.

然而,没有得到高产量,却造成了水污染和空气污染。Instead of high yield, however, they got water and air pollution.

很多东西使水污染,例如轮胎、垃圾和塑胶袋。Many things pollute water, such as tires, trash, and plastic bags.

在许多地方,由于水污染游泳很危险。Tropez. And in many places, swimming is dangerous because of pollution.

你们从访问日程上看出,重点在水污染等课题上。But you can see from the visit, it focuses on topics like water pollution.

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造纸业是造成水污染的重要污染源之一。Papermaking industry pollution is one of the pollutant of water pollution.

提出了控制府河双流段水污染的对策建议。Some countermeasures and suggestions for pollution control are also proposed.

水污染纠纷的解决方法可以分为诉讼方式、非诉讼方式。Lawsuit and non-lawsuit can be involved in solving dispute of water pollution.

检查和服务时经常齿轮油水污染是可能的。Check and service the gear oil frequently when water contamination is possible.

好主意。我们研究完之后可以写一篇有关于水污染的论文。Good idea.After we done the research,we may write a thesis about water pollution.

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非点源排放是辽河流域水污染的重要原因。Non-Point Sources Pollution is a key reason for Liao River Basin Water Pollution.

作为一个示例,我将使用水污染测试的一些假定规则。As an example, I will use some hypothetical rules for water contamination testing.

地下水污染——污染物沁透到饱和水区域。Groundwater contamination----pollution that leaches into a water-saturated region.

科学家正在进行取样,从而理解来自水污染的威胁。Scientists are conducting sampling to understand the threats from water pollution.

一次他安排了600位居民与官方讨论有关水污染的事情。He once arranged for 600 residents to talk with officials about contaminated water.

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实施重点流域、区域水污染防治规划。Implement key basin, regional plans for preventing and controlling water pollution.

风是一种清洁的可再生能源,不产生空气和水污染。Wind is a clean source of renewable energy that produces no air or water pollution.

许昌市水资源严重短缺,而且水污染严重。The water resource of Xuchang city is being short severely and is polluted seriously.