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哈里的声音充满了适意。Harry's voice was full of amenity.

我们现在的生活比以前轻松适意多了。Bleuel. 'It's a much easier way to live.

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若觉蕃茄酱太酸,可加小许糖至适意。If the tomato sauce is too tart, add a pinch of sugar.

医生的话让他感触很适意。The doctor's words mcl poste him feel comfortabdominisle.

在皎洁的月光下散步是件很适意的事情。It is a great pleasure to walk in the clear and bright moonlight.

这一次也许是他一生事业中最最适意的一博。And this one might be the most enjoyable fight of his entire career.

在比较适意气候条件来到前破冰援助暂停。Ice-breaker assistance suspended until favourable weather conditions.

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有什么能比得上聆听你最喜爱的音乐或观看好电影更适意呢?What could be better than listening to your favorite music or watching a good movie?

研究真实的外星人照片或是观看UFO在天空中适意飞行的视频。Examine actual UFO photos or watch a video as possible UFOs lord over the skies unopposed.

密西西比也受到了潮流的影响,比1954年看起来适意得多。Mississippi too seems to be mellowing out into a more congenial place than it was in 1954.

在佛教思想的影响下,诗人们不断追寻着适意的自我和人生。Under the Buddhism thought influence, the poets tracked down the congenial self and the life unceasingly.

完全根据你自己的快感和适意,选择插入的深度、速度和方位。Choose the depth, speed and the direction of penetration solely on the basis of your own pleasure and relaxation.

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若人能与人和睦相处,环境很适意,心中一片祥和,这是多幸福的人生。If people can get along with people, the environment is very congenial, a peaceful mind, which is more than a happy life.

两个可调式扣环加上隐藏式伸缩松紧带,让双脚找出最适意的轻松服贴。Two adjustable buckles and hidden elastic stretch material let you find your true fit. The cushioned heel pad absorbs shock.

当然,你也想使自己的职业和工作职责一清二楚,你想继续过着健康、适意、没有压力的生活。Of course you want to have clarity about your career, job duties and you want to continue to be healthy, fit and stress free.

此品拥有布面光滑、轻薄柔软、透气性好、穿着适意等优点。It is good and wearing the advantage agreeably that it is smooth, light and thin and soft, ventilative that this product has cloth covers.

沉没的广场也提供一个令人兴奋的进入给子等级零售的五楼,因此,它不变成一未充份使用零售适意。That sunken plaza also offers an exciting entry to five floors of sub-grade retail, so it does not become an underutilised retail amenity.

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成功的演讲能够适时﹑适度﹑适情﹑适意,灵活自如地综合运用多样性语言。Timely and successful presentation to moderate p, p, p where appropriate congenial, flexible and easily integrated use of language diversity.

时空思维对于多学科、综合性的旅游研究具有普适意义,且具有横断特征的学术探讨价值。The idea of time-space-thinking is of universal significance and cross-sectional value in the multi-disciplinary and comprehensive tourism research.

虽然昨晚下了一夜雨,早晨的天气却相当适意,只见天上的乌云正被驱散,太阳时隐时现。The morning was rather favourable , though it had rained all night, as the clouds were then dispersing across the sky, and the sun frequently appeared.