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我一点头绪都没有。I haven’t a clue.

现在我们毫无头绪。Now we haven’t a clue.

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我认为我没有头绪。I don’t think I had a clue.

第二个是至今仍毫无头绪的未解之谜。The second one is a total mystery.

没有头绪的诗人,这是哪年的?A lyricist without a clue, what year is this?

但是价格的细节可能会牵出很多头绪。But that price detail may turn a lot of heads.

如何才能从混沌世界中理出头绪来呢?How can you sort out the order from the chaos?

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一段又一段找不到头绪的潮湿的白线lengths and lengths, endless, of wet white string

至于下一步,我脑子里没有头绪。As for the next step, I'm all at sixes and sevens.

“我想人们毫无头绪”,比宾斯-多明戈说。"I think people don't have a clue, " says Bibbins-Domingo.

想了一会儿,她还是没有什么头绪,便将笔咬在嘴里。After an unthinking moment, she put the pen into her mouth.

这些参议员肯定是文盲蠢蛋毫无头绪的。These must be some illiterate ignorant and clueless Senators.

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我感觉自己好像是教室里唯一一个没有一点头绪的人。I felt as if I was the only one in the room who didn’t have a clue.

公司的总经理遇到了一大堆复杂的问题,很难理出头绪来。The company’s general manager was caught in a cat’s cradle of problems.

我们会很快抓到他们的,我们已经有了一些线索和头绪。We will get them and get them soon. We have some definite clues and leads.

爱情到底是什幺?我一点头绪也没有﹐让我看到那奇迹会出现。Show me what love is, haven't got a clue, show me that wonders can be true.

现在我跟我的网络服务商在商量对策,希望能够理清头绪。And now I'm talking to my internet service provider hoping to sort this abby.

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最开始我很多东西没能处理好,但我逐渐从混乱中理出头绪。At first I couldn't get things to work. But slowly, order emerged from chaos.

福喜对丑闻毫无头绪,因为这家私有公司给了经理人很大自主权。OSI was clueless because the private company gave managers a lot of autonomy.

没有技能系统的话,即使要想对这些简单的想法理出个头绪简直是不可能。These kind of simple ideas are not contextualized well within a skill system.