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一个皮肤细胞如何能变成神经细胞?How can a skin cell become a nerve cell?

灰质是由神经细胞体构成。Grey matter consists of nerve cell bodies.

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性器官里的神经细胞变得兴奋。Nerve cells in the genitals become excited.

对染料无已进入神经细胞。None of the dye had entered the nerve cells.

这些神经细胞位于脑干的脑桥部位。They are in the pons part of the brain stem.

做这项实验首先需将从藻类植物中提取的基因注射进视网膜上的神经细胞中。It involves injecting the gene into the retina.

神经细胞传递并接收神经冲动。Nerve cells carry and receive nervous impulses.

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含有朊病毒的神经细胞失去正常功能。Nerve cells containing the prions stop working.

脑损伤可导致神经细胞坏死。Brain injury may lead to neuronal cell necrosis.

结论TFH具有保护神经细胞的作用。Conclusion TFH has protection effects on neurons.

他们既没有神经细胞也没有神经中枢。They have neither nerve cells nor a nerve centre.

冲动产生一个电冲。用于神经细胞。To generate an electrical impulse. Used of a neuron.

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脑海马神经细胞凋亡结果。Results of cerebra hippocampal neural cell apoptosis.

HSP70有神经细胞保护及抑制凋亡的作用。HSP70 could protect nerve cells and inhibit apoptosis.

细菌当然没有突触或神经细胞。Bacteria, of course, don't have synapses or nerve cells.

这个电压从神经细胞一端传导到另一端That voltage moves from one end of the cell to the other.

它们把神经冲动带到神经细胞之间的空隙中。They carry a nerve impulse across the gap between nerve cells.

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大脑皮层神经细胞有细胞空泡变性。The neurocyte of cerebral cortex shows vacuolation degeneration.

但是海马区的神经细胞如何把信息固定下来?But how do these nerve cells in hippocamus get information fixed.

然而,或许存在其他方式,令新生神经细胞按序生长。However, there may be other ways of growing new neurons to order.