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这是我们收集到的蒸馏水。This is the distilled water that we collect.

空白蒸馏水试管呈高信号。While the signal of distilled water was hyperintense.

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不好意思我们这只有蒸馏水,可以吗?I'm afraid we only have distilled water. Is that all right?

然后用蒸馏水弄湿擦拭布并且拧乾。Use distilled water to wet the cloth and then wring it out.

她还补充说道,现在这家分店使用的是蒸馏水。However, she added, the branch is now using distilled water.

崩解液的性质,例如蒸馏水。The nature of the slaking fluid, for example distilled water.

“苏打水,蒸馏水,还是”——他犀利地扫了我一眼——“自来水?”“Sparkling, still or” – he gave me a sharp glance – “tap water?

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蒸汽清洁器水槽中只能注入干净的自来水或蒸馏水。Only put clean tap or distilled water in your Steam Cleaner tank.

否则,只好头戴防毒面具,光喝蒸馏水了。Otherwise, but wearing gas masks, light drinking distilled water.

并确定蒸馏水为白灵菇多糖的最佳提取溶剂。While distilled water was proved to be the optimum extracting solvent.

最好在温的蒸馏水中加入一勺盐,以此漱口。The best thing to gargle is use distilled warm water with a teaspoon of salt.

电热蒸馏水器是化学实验室的常规设备之一。Electrothermal distiller is one of the common devices in chemistry laboratory.

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蒸汽被搜集在一个容器里,提供纯净而干净的蒸馏水。The steam is collected in a container, providing pure, clean, distilled water.

他拿出两个容器,一个装有纯净蒸馏水,另一个装有纯酒精。He had two containers, one with pure distilled water and one with pure alcohol.

05M柠檬酸—准确称取10.5g柠檬酸一水合物用蒸馏水溶解并定容至1000mL。Citric acid,0.05M—dissolve 10.5g of citric acid monohydrate in water to make 1000mL.

而蒸馏水渗流情况下的水力开度先增加直至稳定。While as for distilled water seepage, aperture increases firstly, and then keeps stable.

本文报道应用氢氧化钙蒸馏水糊剂作根管充填30例。This article reports 30 cases of root canal filling with calcium hydroxide and iodoform paste.

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目的验证我院多效蒸馏水机的制水质量。OBJECTIVE To verify water quality from multiple effect distilled water machine of our hospital.

所需的一切,就是你所喜欢的精油、伏特加酒、蒸馏水和一个喷雾瓶。All that is required is the essential oils of choice, vodka, distilled water and a spray bottle.

去离子工艺在工业成本方面远比蒸馏水或反渗透水经济得多。Deionization is far more economical than distillation or reverse osmosis in commercial operations.