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她拒不接受王位。She refused the crown.

那青年觊觎王位。He pretended to the throne.

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他们互争王位。They were rivals for the throne.

这位王子继承了王位。The prince acceded to the throne.

公元前636年,他夺回了王位。In 636 BC, he took back the throne.

他们把他从王位上赶了下来。They tumbled him out of the throne.

他篡夺了王位。He accroached the throne to himself.

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谁是真正的王位苗子?。Who was the true heir to the throne?

王位继承人诞生了。An heir to the throne was procreated.

英国女王伊丽莎白二世于1952年登上王位。Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ was throned in 1952.

那青年觊觎王位。The young man pretended to the throne.

后来,一个新的法老王继承了王位。Then a new Pharaoh came to the throne.

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亨利四世篡夺了英国的王位。Henry IV usurped the throne of England.

这位年轻的国王对身居王位感到很不自在。The young king was uneasy on the throne.

法定继承人继承了王位。The heir apparent succeeded to the throne.

英王爱德华八世放弃王位和一个平民女子结婚。King Edward Ⅷ abdicated to marry a commoner.

王子总是继承王位的。And princes are always in line to the throne.

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这本书讲的是一位国王丢掉了王位的故事。This book is about a king who loses his crown.

汝之座前,阿泽格陶特坠落王位!AZAG-THOTH is fallen off His Throne before Thee!

年迈的国王将王位让给了儿子。The old king relinquished his throne to his son.