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他们试图夸大金币的投资价值来转手They're trying to oversell.

金币在他手里作响。Gold coins clinked in his hand.

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她在那里面找到了那个金币。In it she had found the gold piece.

目前没有金币在流通。There are not gold coins about now.

金币则随着船只沈没。The gold coins went down with the ship.

金盏花能够给你银币和金币。Marigolds give you silver and gold coins.

滴噜噜,滴噜噜,金币滚动的声音。Jangle jangle, the sound of rolling adena.

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请把一张五镑钞票换成金币。Please change a five-pound note into gold.

的确如此,大枚金币盈满了罐口。And so it was, brimful of great gold coins.

我能把明天的金币放进今天的钱袋里吗?Can I place tomorrow's gold in today's purse?

他把金币包挂在公牛的脖子上。He hung this around the mighty bullock's neck.

那枚金币在马灯下闪耀着温暖的光泽。The gold coin glowed warm in the lantern light.

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我们也接受未切割的钻石和金币。We accept uncut diamonds and gold ingots , too.

人们可以像操作ATM机一样,从这台柜机里购买24K的纯金金币和金条。People could buy 24-caratgold from this machine.

杰克在碗厨里发现了许多金币,他拿了一枚放进口袋,他想这可能会让他妈妈开心一点。Inside the cupboard Jack found lots of gold coins.

英国皇家造币厂将铸造一种纪念金币。The Royal Mint will strike a commemorative gold coin.

赌注是一个金币,你可以赢双倍。The stake is 1 Ducat and you can double it by winning.

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躺在天空的底部,像一枚达布隆金币。To lie on the bottom of the sky, like a gold doubloon.

他一看到盒子里的金币,他的双眼一下子亮了起来。His eyes snapped when he saw the gold coins in the box.

因此,他决定将十万金币作为礼物送给那位谋臣。So he decided to give him a gift of 100,000 gold coins.