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歌声嘹亮。The singing is loud and clear.

鸟儿的歌声高亢嘹亮。The bird sang high and clearly.

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追逐的年轻歌声多嘹亮。How melodious the song for youth pursing!

音频系统供应嘹亮。The audio system was supplied by Clarion.

追逐的年轻歌声多嘹亮。How melodious the song for youth pursuing!

他的歌声嘹亮圆润,丝毫没有矫揉造作之感。In 1, his song and mellow, no affectation.

嘹亮的国歌响彻云霄。The National Anthem of make the welkin ring.

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牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天嘹亮地响着。The cowboy is blowing his flute all day long.

您是我们心中最嘹亮的歌。You are the most resonant song in our hearts.

谭晶即将唱响最嘹亮的中国声音!Tan Jing to sing the voice of China loud and clear!

欢快的人们歌声嘹亮,舞姿妖妖。Exciting people singing loudly and dancing smoothly.

风说什么,我不知道,但它歌声嘹亮。What it says I don't know, but it sings a loud song.

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整个广场歌声嘹亮,喜气洋洋。The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing.

之后阿梅便与上海交响乐团彩排,歌声嘹亮,中气十足!And during rehearsal, she was full of air, sang loudly.

世界卫生日传递的信息清晰而嘹亮。The message on this World Health Day is loud and clear.

不知道是什么季节的歌声才那么嘹亮。I don't know what season's singing is so loud and clear.

我希望每个学子在和谐嘹亮的歌声中健康成长!I hope everyone can grow up healthily with the harmonious songs.

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那就让我们用嘹亮的歌声来迎接新的一年,新的2009。Let us loud and clear voice to greet the new year, the new 2009.

是的,圣诞节是欢声笑语和歌声嘹亮的节日,是收到美好而奇妙的礼物的节日。Yes, Christmas is for gaiety and song, for good and wonderful gifts.

快节奏嘹亮的歌曲,透露着怪异而又简洁得让人抓狂。The songs remain fast and loud, totally wired and tantalizingly brief.