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蒲公英是那样妩媚动人。How lovely the dandelions are.

在每粒蒲公英种子的末端。On the end of every dandelion seed.

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蒲公英已经闭上了他们的眼睛The dandelions have closed their eyes

我们可以用蒲公英去用药。We can use Taraxacum to made medicine.

摘一个已经结子的蒲公英。Pick a dandelion that has gone to seed.

他们把蒲公英做成项链和花环。They made necklaces and garlands of them.

或者像结荚的蒲公英被一扫而空。Or as a dandelion see-pod and be swept away.

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从今以后,像蒲公英一样,随遇而安。Henceforth , like dandelions , happy-go-lucky.

风吹散了蒲公英的种子。The wind puffed away the seeds of the dandelion.

上一次我在池塘附近看到蒲公英和瓢虫。Last time I saw dandelions and ladybugs near the pond.

就像儿时,拿起蒲公英的细须。Just as a child and picked up the dandelion to be fine.

很需要珎,就像蒲公英需要微风。Very need you, just like the dandelion need the breeze.

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蒲公英就是我跟她们谈情说爱时的定情物。Dandelions were my way of giving them love and affection.

巨浪把风之帆船打散了,蒲公英沉入了海中。The wind scattered the ships sank into the sea, dandelion.

我想也是。上一次我在池塘附近看到蒲公英和瓢虫。I think so. Last time I saw dandelions and ladybugs near the pond.

目的用高效液相色谱法测定蒲公英颗粒中咖啡酸的含量。Objective To determine caffeic acid in Pugongying granules by HPLC.

菊科的一个海盘车单子叶植物属,包括蒲公英。An asterid dicot genus of the family compositae including dandelions.

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偌大天空,人有了羁绊,就不会随着蒲公英漫天飘浮。Big sky, people have the fetter, will not as wild taraxacum floating.

然后,他们一起坐下来,用蒲公英编了一顶花冠,戴在萨拉的头上。And together they had sat and woven a crown of dandelions for her hair.

首先,自己出去摘蒲公英,把根全部去掉,只留叶子。First, you pick the dandelions, take out all the roots and keep the leaves.