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这怎么会是板栗呢?This is how it is chestnut?

这些板栗树开始结果了。The chestnut trees begin to bear fruit.

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它和我以前看到的板栗一点都不象。It and I had not seen a bit like a chestnut.

腰酸肾气虚,煮粥放板栗。Backache kidney virtual, put chestnut porridge.

他带了糖和板栗面包准备当点心吃。He brought a sugar and chestnut loaf for dessert.

走进迁西,便走进了板栗的世界。Qianxi entered, they walked into the Chestnut world.

熟板栗搅打至非常匀滑。Blend the cooked chestnut kernels until perfectly smooth.

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构建燕山板栗实生居群核心种质库。The core collection of germplasm of Castanea mollissima BL.

板栗疫病为我国检疫性病害。Castanea mollissima blight is a quarantine disease in China.

卖弄风情的女子被发出黑色、板栗、沙子和感觉。The Coquette is obtainable in Black, Chestnut, Sand and Felt.

引起板栗褐变的原因包括酶促褐变和非酶褐变。Chestnuts browning includes enzymic and non-enzymic brownings.

秦皇翅根,板栗烧鸡,鸡汁娃娃菜,小米粥,米饭。Cook chicken wings, millet congee, rice. Chicken broth baby vegetable.

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种植了300亩精品苹果园和500亩板栗基地。Planted 300 acres of apple orchard and 500 acres of fine chestnut base.

板栗疫病是世界性栗树病害之一。Chestnut blight is one of most serious diseases of chestnut world widely.

而纯板栗园的最低,其效益指数仅有0.4587。The benefit index of pure chestnut plantation was the lowest, only 0.4587.

板栗腐烂由生理病变和微生物侵染所致。Physiological diseases and microbial infection make Chinese chestnut putrid.

本文介绍了昆明地区板栗的主要病虫害。This paper introduces the main pest disease of Chestnut in Kunming district.

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研究了一种基于机器视觉的板栗实时分级系统。A new type of Chinese chestnut sorting system by machine vision was designed.

品质优良的迁西板栗更引起了世人的关注。Good quality chestnut Qianxi but aroused the concern of the people of the world.

为今后进一步研究板栗的其他遗传性状奠定了基础。And this can be basis for further analyse the genetic characteristic of chestnut.