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你二老也得享受享受啦。You may also enjoy enjoy telephone.

请二老多多保重身体。Please two old very much take care the body.

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二老对于此行为很是不解。For such behavior is the second-oldest very puzzled.

转眼就是五年,龟儿子仍未见踪迹。龟龟爸妈不管了!二老决定开动。After 5 years, the son still didn't appear. The parents decided to eat.

祝二老在新的一年里,身体健康,多福多寿。Rich blessings for health and longevity is my wish for you in the coming year.

简报完毕后,文祥第一件事,就是向百怪打听不二老人的事。After the briefing, the first thing Wen Xiang did was to ask Weirdo abut Buer Lao.

这部音乐剧所表现出来的成熟,仿佛二老已经在百老汇浸淫多年。The show plays like Parker and Stone have been writing Broadway musicals for years.

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刘邦宣布,这就是二老的坟,并在此建了一座巨大的墓碑。The emperor declared this to be the correct grave, and ordered a large monument erected.

林虎帮的弟兄决议杀死佳代子,冲击县城救出林家二老。LinHu help brothers son, killed better resolution and rescued the lins Chou impact county.

二老闻听陈立已经知道宁娃的事,老太太沈秋菊晕倒在地。The old couple heard Chen Li Ning already know her things, the old lady Shen Qiuju fainted.

双方都一惊,二老没想到他会准时回家,他没想到父母的伙食如此简单。Both a surprised, Chou thought he would arrive on time, he thought the food so simple parents.

我当然会回来过新年,但我现在要向您二老献上我的新年祝福。I will be home, of course, for new year's day. But I want to wish you a special new year's wish.

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让我们共同举杯,祝二老福如东海,寿比南山,身体健康,永远快乐!Let us toast, wish them happiness as immense as the Eastern Sea, longevity, health, happy forever!

全家人一起去火车站接二老,唯有王喜贞没有赶到。The whole family together to go to the railway station to answer the telephone, but wang zhen didnt make it.

智慧电脑、判断模组、不二老人等等,只是罗马竞技场中的狮子、老虎、豹子!The AI, the decision module, and Beur Lao are nothing but the lions, tigers , and leopards in the Roman Coliseum!

由于他们二老都很传统,我们只能睡在不同的房间里,甚至不在同一楼层。Being the traditional people they were, we had to sleep in different rooms – even on separate floors of their house.

毕业典礼一完,你的孩子就等着卷铺盖回家,跟你们二老再住上几年。After the commencement ceremony is over, your child will be ready to move back into your house for a period of several years.

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疗养院工作人员介绍,分开居住的二老每次见面都会给彼此一个热吻,一起坐着时也会亲昵地手拉着手。According to a nursing home worker, they always gave a kiss to each other every time they met. And they just liked to sit together holding hands.

盛老夫妇“赠房求养老”一事昨日终于有了结果,二老最后决定去市福利院养老。Sheng old couple "gift room seeking pension" of the results yesterday, finally, the old couple finally decided to go to the city welfare pension.

建筑工人只好动员家中二老,到河滩去摸鹅卵石,然后全家一起把石头锤成葡萄大小的碎石,拿去交差。The construction worker enlisted his elderly parents to scour creek beds and fields for rocks that the family smashed by hand into grape-size stones.