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他真的观测到单磁极子了吗?Did he really see magnetic monopoles?

它可不像我们可以为我们自己制造磁极。And it's not like we can make them for ourselves.

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例如,磁极确实在移动。For example, the magnetic poles are indeed moving.

为什麽我们找不到单独存在的南磁极或北磁极的磁极呢?And Why can't we find an isolated magnetic north or south pole?

也叫磁极化强度或磁化强度。Also called magnetic polarization or intensity of magnetization.

混合记录可用来克服超顺磁极限。Hybrid recording technology method can overcome super paramagnetic limits.

他们认为,到2050年磁极可能漂过大陆到达西伯利亚。By 2050, they believe it could have drifted across the earth and into Siberia.

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如果当前发送一个相反的方向,磁极指向就反转。If the current is sent in the opposite direction, the polarization is reversed.

磁极间隔细密,磁力分布均匀,适用于小型零件或薄形物件。The fine-pitched magnetic poles make it ideally suitable for small and thin work pieces.

地球的磁场大致就像是一块拥有两个磁极的磁铁。The Earth’s magnetic field is roughly like that of a bar magnet, with two opposite poles.

第二种测定法是古磁学分析法,也叫磁极地层学测定法。The second dating method was palaeo-magnetic analysis or magnetic polarity strati graphy.

螺丝湾电站水轮发电机设计应用双鸽尾磁极联结结构,为高应力转子设计提供了新路。Using double dovetail in coupling pole is a new idea of design of rotor under high stress.

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北磁极在缓慢地通过加拿大北方向西北方向移动。The North Magnetic Pole is moving slowly northwest across the northern stretches of Canada.

目的探讨血液磁极化疗法对高黏血症的作用。Objective To discuss the action of magnet polarization treating the hyperviscosity syndrome.

系列7143具有一个额外的力量永磁极片,高电感线圈。Series 7143 features an extra strength permanent magnet pole-piece and high inductance coil.

悬挂着的导线下端放在一个小型马蹄形磁铁的两个磁极之间。The bottom part of the hanging wire is placed between the poles of a small horseshoe magnet.

拟制了磁极高速温挤压工艺规范。The technological specification of the pole by the high speed warm extrusion was worked out.

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在一些关于2012年世界末日的预言里,地球将会成为一个非常危险的地方,因为会发生“磁极转换”In some 2012 doomsday prophecies, the Earth becomes a deathtrap as it undergoes a "pole shift."

普莱特还讲到根据记录地球的磁极与他的轴线之间有一段距离。Plait goes on to note that, for the record, the Earth’s magnetic poles are distinct from its axis.

理智的磁针将永远指向远处真理的磁极。The needle of understanding will yet point steadfast and unwavering to the distinct pole of truth.