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年轻人喜欢新款玩意。Teenagers like new-fashioned gadgets.

这些东西都在新款塔利班的播放列表里。The New Taliban™ is all about playlists.

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想要辆刚从你身旁开过的新款车吗?Do you like that new car you saw drive by?

当然可以。这是诺基亚新款N97。最新款的牌子。Sure. it's the NOKIA N97. A brand-new model.

新款凯美瑞将沿袭过去的一系列优势。The new Camry will have a lot to live up to.

这套鲜艳的新款裙装真让我着迷。This colorful new dress enraptures me, Ruth said.

你可以使用这些旧款,并且日后有新款推出你也可以买更好的。You can use these items and often trade up later.

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新款首饰,无限创意。The newly-designed jewellery is full of originality.

这是今年新款,那是去年的款式。This is this years new pro-duct, that is last years.

就在前几天,我在电视上看到一个新款别克汽车的广告。Just the other day I saw an ad on TV for a new Buick.

这种新款的平板电脑也没有接近传感器。The new tablet computer also lacks a proximity sensor.

小巧夹子,纯音悦耳,纽曼新款B25绚丽登场。Small clip , sweet tone , brilliant debut Newman new B25

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同时,保时捷首次在中国推出其新款私家车。Meanwhile, Porsche launched its new sedan in China first.

新款和经典的迷彩印花在都市街道上显得粗犷硬朗。New and classic camo prints look rugged on urban streets.

聪明的瑞典麦当劳新款三明治报纸广告。Clever newspaper ad for new McDonald’s sandwich in Sweden.

此外,新款滑板车还配有无线电钥匙和警报系统。It also features a wireless electric key and alarm system.

这套新款服装因袭了18世纪的款式。This new dress is the stylized design of the 18th century.

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索尼在其正在进行的E3会议上发布了新款PSP。Sony has unveiled the new PSP at the ongoing E3 conference.

对大多数顾客来说,新款品牌服装太贵了。New designer clothes are often too pricey for most consumers.

现在,该让新款的芭比打扮成忧伤的负债投资人吗?Time for a new Barbie, dressed as a distressed-debt investor?