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参与是获得胜利的不二法门。The first rule in winning is to participate!

同往常一样,爱是解决一切的不二法门。As always, love is the solution to everything.

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观察入微是赢得这场游戏的不二法门。Keen observation is the key to winning this game.

图像历来是吸引眼球的不二法门。Images are agood way to catch a visitors attention.

这是得到业绩、销售产品的不二法门!It’s the only way to get results and sell our products!

吃得比你消耗的少,是减肥的不二法门。Take in fewer calories than you burn, and you lose weight.

货币规则是重建美联储独立性的不二法门。A monetary rule is a requisite for restoring the Fed’s independence.

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抓住男人的不二法门,应该就是,永远不要让他满足。The man is the only proper course to take, should never let him meet.

这亦是好莱坞的不二法门,哈利·波特即靠此法门大获成功。This is the Hollywood way, and it worked pretty well for Harry Potter.

获致幸福的不二法门是珍视妳所拥有的、遗忘妳所没有的。Obtains , forgets you who the happy only way is treasures you to have no.

顺便说一句,不断就某个小话题写短篇是混迹于论坛的不二法门。By the way, writing short pieces on a small topic is commercially feasible too.

大规模政府援助看来是终结经济猛跌的不二法门。Large-scale government aid looks like the only way to end the economic nosedive.

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获致幸福的不二法门是重视你所领有的、遗忘你所没有的。To obtain happiness is that, cherish what you have got and forget what you haven't got.

赢得有既定情感兴趣的消费者,是成功的不二法门。And it's an ideal way to gain customers with a vested emotional interest in your success.

获致幸福的不二法门是珍视你所拥有的、遗忘你所没有的。The only way to obtain happiness is that, cherish what you have got and forget what you haven’t got.

创造力曾一度是不二法门,而在我们这个时间缺乏的文化中更是如此。Creativity has always been the coin of the realm, but in our time-starved culture it's truer than ever.

单独与上帝相处,这是灵命进深的不二法门,愿我们蒙上帝恩典,灵命更上层楼。Alone with God—this is a word of the deepest importance. May we seek grace from God to reach its depths.

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而事实上,少吃多动是目前已知控制体重的不二法门,走捷径往往欲益反损。In fact, is to eat less move more way are now known to control weight, cut corners tend to benefit the loss.

我们相信,在这瞬息万变的市场中立足的不二法门就是创新和求变。We believe the innovation and pursuing changes is effective means owning a foothold in this fast changing market.

把用户当作开发伙伴,是快速改进代码和有效调试的不二法门。Treating your users as co-developers is your least-hassle route to rapid code improvement and effective debugging.