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这天鹅虽然也是珍禽。Sure, the swan is a rare bird.

高地羊羔肉和各种珍禽野味。Highland lamb and unusual varieties of game.

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有人曾在这一地区看见几种稀罕的珍禽。Several rare birds have been sighted in this area.

这些都是珍禽,因此受到法律的保护。These birds are very rare and therefore protected by law.

是“世界珍禽”黑嘴鸥的主要栖息繁殖地之一。Is "the world rare" Gull breeding habitat for one of the main.

世间多少珍禽走兽,为了人的口感、口福,你想,这样就杀了多少生灵?How many precious birds and animals were killed just to satisfy our palates?

饲喂珍禽和观赏动物,如画眉,鹦鹉,八哥,鲍鱼。Using for feeding rare fowl and adornment animal such as blackbird, parrot, mynah, abalone, etc.

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作品多描绘宫廷内的异卉珍禽,画鸟羽毛丰满,画花浓丽工致。Works depict palace ou vision of the rare bird feathers, painting, painting flowers thick beautiful full finished.

因市区东南部栖息繁衍着世界珍禽丹顶鹤,故又有“鹤城”的美誉。Because urban area of it is a place that red-crowned cranes perch, so it has the good reputation of “crane's city”.

是家禽、珍禽繁殖和中小型孵化场的理想孵化设备。It is the ideal incubation equipment for propagation of poultry and rare birds and small and medium-sized hatchery.

射阳珍禽自然保护区生态环境优越,是世界上最大的丹顶鹤越冬地之一。The beautiful Sheyang Rare Birds Nature Reserve is one of the world's largest winter habitats of red-crowned cranes.

殿堂两侧建有八字墙,墙上饰琼花、珍禽图案,墙下为琉璃须弥座。Horoscopes hall built on both sides of the wall, a wall decorated Qionghua, rare birds and pictorial, wall under glass Xumizuo.

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纹样从右侧开始是一对牝牡珍禽,雄鸟站在云纹的低部,昂首挺立。Patterns start from the right is a pair of female male rare birds, the male standing on the lower part of moire, ten feet tall.

盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区是我国最大的沿海滩涂湿地自然保护区。The national nature reserve of rare bird in Yancheng is the biggest coastal nature reserve of tidal flat and wet land in China.

为了减轻由于湿地开发带来的珍禽的生境压力,在核心区的边缘必须建立以招鸟为目的的水禽湖。In order to relieve the habitat pressure of coastal birds, it is necessary to build waterfowl ponds at the edge of the core zone.

这真是锦上添花啊,我培育的珍禽贵妃鸡,经陶钵烧烤,更加美味香嫩、独具特色!The cultured royal-chicken are much more tender and delicious upon toasting of ceramic bowl. It really makes perfection more perfect.

风景区内那终年积雪的山峰、苍翠繁茂的森林、宁静悠远的湖泊、品种繁多的珍禽奇兽,这些都构成了九寨沟风景区的独特风貌。This scenic spot is 35 kilometers long and features snow mountains, dense forests, placid lakes and rare wildlife, all contributing to its unique charm.

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主要从事珍禽动物的人工驯化、繁殖、饲养及相关产品的研究开发和经营。Principally engaged in the artificial domestication of rare birds and animals, breeding, feeding and related products research and development and operation.

以珍禽肉鸽为原料经腌制、预煮、烟熏、烤制、真空包装、杀菌而制成美味的乳鸽软罐头。Meat pigeons were used as an ingredient and made into delicious baby pigeon tins through salting, pre-boiling, smudging, roasting, vacuum packaging and sterilizing.

奇花异草处处,珍禽野兽时现,万亩松林氧吧,并有成千上万的野生猕猴相伴,有如世外桃源。Plants are everywhere frequent appearance of rare birds beasts, piles of pine forest oxygen bars accompanied by tens of thouss of wild monkeys, it's indeed like paradise.