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推土机在哪里?Where are the bulldozers?

推土机,重建我们的防御!Dozers, rebuild our defenses!

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开推土机的那个人是李先生。The man driving the earthmover is Mr.

鸟儿们,飞吧!去猎杀敌人的推土机!Birds away! Let's go hunt some Dozers!

推土机,快点修复我们的建筑。Dozers, start repairing our buildings!

稍事休息,并提出玩曲奇推土机!Take a break and come play Cookie Dozer!

工人们用推土机把建筑工地推平。The workers bulldozed the building site.

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但它们都不如“袖珍推土机”那么结实。They're not as sturdy as the Mini Dozer.

开推土机的那个人是李先生。The man driving the earthmover is mr . li.

其实,这只是个为了能够开推土机的借口。Really, it's just an excuse to drive a Dozer.

他们需要一台推土机来挖出岩石。They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.

然而,最重要的事情是不要用推土机推平贫民窟。But the main thing is not to bulldoze the slums.

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他亦因种种善行得到了“推土机”的美名。He won the nickname "Bulldozer" for good reason.

孩子的推土机是一个极好偏爱的孩子。The Kid's DOZER is a superb preference for kids.

推土机穿过丛林。Earth-moving equipment pierced through the jungle.

这种型号旳推土机总重量是多少?What is the total weight of this kind of bulldozer?

清除那堆垃圾他们也许得用推土机。To clear that rubbish away they may have to bulldoze.

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三辆推土机花了一星期将那块地方整平。It took three bulldozers a week to level off the site.

然后,三辆大型橙色的推土机堵住了出口。Then, three large orange earthmovers blocked our exit.

在修路前,推土机先平整土地。The bulldozers grade the land before the road is built.