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该画为典型的宋代院体画,是工笔重彩画中的佳作。It is a typical imperial-court decorative painting of Song Dynasty.

在这方面,我的建议是幽默最好不要重彩浓墨。My best advice in this area is to try not to pour the humor on too thick.

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幽远深邃,清心冷静,一种性情,活出生命的两重彩。Remote and deep, quiet and calm, one temperament, give you double life meanings.

顺序二重彩–在某一场跑马中,所选出的马匹分别按照所选的次序跑出第一名和第二名。Exacta – A selection of two horses to come 1st and in 2nd in a race in exact order.

刘大为是全能型画家,工笔重彩和水墨写意兼精。Liu Dawei is a versatile artists, re-color and fine brushwork and freehand fine ink.

殿内存有重彩壁画120平方米,其中四壁的壁画最为精彩。Re-color mural hall have 120 square meters, of which the walls of the most spectacular murals.

而今,通过实际行动我们再次打破了零的纪录,为辉煌的奥林匹克历史画卷增添了一笔重彩。And today, through our practical action, we are to create a break through of zero record again.

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因此学习、借鉴日本岩彩画的发展经验,对于促进中国工笔重彩画的发展是十分必要的。To advance modern Chinese heavy color painting it is necessary to draw from the Japanese experiences.

新材料的研制和开发引起了现代重彩画的变革。The research and development in new material have caused the change of the modern heavy colored drawing.

传统的工笔重彩人物画创作多追求勾线准确,设色清雅。The traditional claboratestyle figure drawing more accurate, and continually creation for coloring is elegant.

中国画自古称“丹青”,由此可见中国画最早是以色彩为主的重彩画的形式出现的。Chinese painting is called"the painting"from ancients. As its name suggests, ancient Chinese painting is relying on color.

画家在进行严谨的写实描绘中,借鉴了民间美术和传统工笔重彩的表现手法。The painter mostly adopted realistic painting methods, but also used some folk and traditional Chinese painting techniques.

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后旅居海外,画风工写结合,重彩、水墨融为一体,尤其是泼墨与泼彩,开创了新的艺术风格。After living abroad, style, life and work to write, especially with the ink spilt choi, create splash-ink new artistic style.

石家庄毗卢寺壁画,承袭了我国古代壁画的传统画法,是典型的工笔重彩形式。The fresco of Shijiazhuang Pilu Temple is a typical Chinese traditional brushwork , which adopied China archaic fresco painting.

当代工笔人物画家应重视色彩格调,努力做到重彩古厚典雅、沉着明快。Contemporary meticulous painter should pay attention to color style, and strive to re-color the ancient thick elegant, calm and bright.

这部分围绕蒋采苹重彩工作室的教学原则和所设置的必不可少的课程进行的。This part is carried on by the teaching principles of Jiang Caiping Studio of heavy-colored painting and it's Indispensable curriculum.

中国画一般不采用重彩,颜色的种类较少,油画的色彩程度很重,使用的颜色也很多。Chinese paintings do not normally re-used color, color, the type less, the color degree of heavy oil painting, the use of the color of a lot.

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她于一九九八年成立了蒋采苹重彩画工作室,确立了自己独特的中国重彩画的教学体系。She funded Jiang Caiping Studio of heavy-colored painting in 1998 and establish its own unique system of teaching Chinese heavy-colored painting.

他们只知道工笔重彩煳写意的区别,有多少人知道写意的“意”字到底是何意?They only know Meticulous re the difference between color and freehand, freehand, how many people know the "meaning " word in the end is the means?

本文将从五个部分论述敦煌重彩画中矿物色的传承脉络及意义。This article will elaborate the inheritance vein and the significance from five parts that the Dunhuang heavy color painting middling will look for.