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暴风雨使这个避风雨的木棚倒塌了。The storm caused the collapse of the wooden shelter.

刮痧时要避风、保暖。Avoid Wind and Keep Warm During Therapeutic Scraping.

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他经常蜷缩在桥底下避风。Sometimes he huddled away from the wind under the bridges.

我这个漂泊的小帆什麽时候可以找到属于我避风的港口。My drifting ap when it can be found belongs to my sheltered port.

工人们在建筑工地的避风处泡茶喝。The workers were brewing up in a sheltered corner of the building-site.

本来这个避风所要更好一些,可惜被这个月初的托马斯飓风给毁了。They had a better shelter but Hurricane Tomas shredded it earlier this month.

海岸线曲折,有无数海湾、港口和避风小港。Winding coastline, there are countless gulf, port and the shelter small harbor.

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或是在黎明或黄昏时分划皮艇前往蜜月湾与其它避风水湾和海滩。Or sea kayak at twilight to Honeymoon Bay and other sheltered coves and beaches.

防台避风水域是船舶在台风恶劣天气情况下的避难所。The typhoon sheltered waters form a refuge for vessels to avoid attack of typhoon.

可是我们每个人什么时候才清醒那港湾里需要水的称映,那避风所需要多年的累积!But when we can be aware that the harbor need be watered, the shelter need be fixed.

唐岛湾具有天然的避风条件,依托度假区,是优良的游艇帆船俱乐部选址。Tangdao Bay is a natural harbor of refuge , and also an excellent site for yacht club.

避风亭的设计独具匠心,在建筑学上有很高的研究价值。A booth have great originality in architecture design, has the very high research value.

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港域有岛屿作为天然屏障,避风条件好。The islands spreading around the water area acting as the natural barriers against wind.

他们想,这里要有一间给过路人避风雨的小屋就好了,第二天早上就砍树割草盖起了房子。Then they thought that it would be wonderful if there was a house to shelter the passers-by.

是啊,我们不小了,我们不能永远停在父母宽大的羽翼下避风躲雨。Ah yes, we do not small, we should not stop at Forever Parent generous shelter sheltered under the wings.

目的建立降压避风片中优降宁的高效液相色谱法含量测定方法。Objective To establish a HPLC method for the content determination of Youjiangning in Jiangya Bifeng Tablet.

欢迎你们来到我们的营地,但恐怕我们只能在这些危壁之中,提供简陋的避风之处。I welcome you, traveler, to our camp, but I'm afraid I can offer you but poor shelter within these rickety walls.

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第五号台风将于4小时后登陆,所有在系泊船必须移至避风锚地,请讲。Typhoon No. 5 will land in the next four hours. All vessels at mooring must move to the sheltered anchorage, over.

大塘片区白眉长臂猿对地理空间的选择反应了避风和趋向阳光的需求。The selectivity of geographical space by hoolock gibbon responded requirement for avoiding wind and preferring sunshine.

结论本方法操作简便,方法准确,快捷,可用于降压避风片及其生产过程中的质量控制。Conclusion The assay method is convenient, rapid, accurate and suitable for the quality control of Jiangya Bifeng Tablet.