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一个饱受疯癫折磨人如何才能喜悦?How can one haunted by madness be joyful?

自言自语是否是疯癫的一种表现?Is talking to yourself a sign of madness?

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我的家人和朋友大都说我有点疯癫。Most of my family and friends think I am crazy.

于是你疯癫,不能正确的看待事情。And then you are gaga and can't see things right.

通常我听到他们说的都是些肤浅、疯癫的谣言。So much of what I hear from them is shallow, silly rumors.

野心是一种毒品,它会使那些有疯癫潜质的人上瘾。Ambition is a drug that makes its addicts potential madmen.

在你弟媳妇的家庭里也许有疯癫的遗传因子。There may have been madness in your sister-in-law's family.

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极度的疯癫或是对罪恶真的感到快乐的人在哪儿?Where is the supreme madness or the genuine pleasure of evil?

这两方面将印秋推上了疯癫的道路。These two aspects will print the fall to push up the crazy path.

本剧中充斥着对权术的玩弄,谋杀,性爱,背叛,疯癫等各种元素。Hamlet is a tale of power games, murder, sex, betrayal and madness.

在这段中间有一句疯癫的句子,“上帝是小熊维尼There is a kind of goofiness at the center of it, "God is Pooh Bear."

在这段中间有一句疯癫的句子,“上帝是小熊维尼“There is a kind of goofiness at the center of it, "God is Pooh Bear."

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这是一种无知和疯癫的言论,即使来自莎朗·斯通。This is an ignorant and flakey statement, even coming from Sharon Stone.

她走到窗口,望着外面,用她所特有的半疯癫的神态大声说话。She stepped to the window and looked out with the half-foolish way she had.

这名囚犯假装疯癫,避免与那个狱霸发生冲突。The prisoner faked insanity to avoid confrontation with the jailhouse bully.

其中,伊娃、秀拉和夏德里克的疯癫行为尤其能够引起读者的注意。Lunatic behaviors of Eva, Sula, and Shadrack are especially conspicuous to readers.

因为我们无法喜悦,我们唯有痛苦,唯有疯癫的兴奋。Since we cannot be joyful, there only remains the road of agony, of mad exaltation.

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最终,在存在论意义上,把握疯癫对挽救人类的生态学价值。Finally, in the ontological significance, grasps the crazy to save the humanity the ecology value.

他的疯癫的反现实的艺术比从可靠的来源得来的平凡的有威严的消息更能引起我们的兴趣。His lunatic counterfactual art is more appealing than the banal awfulness of the Reliable Sources.

我岂缺少疯子,你们带这人来在我面前疯癫吗?Am I so short of madmen that you have to bring this fellow here to carry on like this in front of me?