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其创作为文质兼胜、情景交融的盛唐诗歌艺术风貌的形成,作出了应有的贡献。He contributed a lot to the reaction of the poetic literature in Tang Dynasty.

有时候有了情景交融后的幸福,就必须学会舍弃接下来的风景。Sometimes the feeling after happiness, you must learn to abandon the next scenic.

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其“境界”说深受李挚“童心说”的影响,并要求情景交融,意与境浑。"Realm" by Li Zhi, "said the child", and called for integration scenarios, Italy and muddy throughout.

情景交融只是其最表层的元质构成和表现。Its situational harmony is the superficial expression, beneath which lies the personal experience in emotions.

因此,她制作的绢人不仅形似,而且神似,达到了情景交融的高超境界。As a result, she produced not only the shape of silk, and spirit to reach a high level of integration scenarios.

特别是她的情景交融的意境,使作品画面升华为一种隽永的艺术境界。In particular, the scene of her blend of artistic conception, so that works into a meaningful picture of the art realm.

情景组合论作为情景交融的一种方式论,属于情景交融论的初级理论,对律诗创作产生过很大影响。Although in its primary stage, these theories produced great influence on poetic writing at that time and in the following generations.

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王夫之诗歌审美意象说包含情景交融论和审美直觉的“现量”论。Wang Fuzhi's poetic esthetical image theory covers affection and scene blending, and esthetical instinctive action, showing mete theory.

在具体的设计中,我们要针对电子书籍本身的特点进行有效的设计,以充分展现电子书籍情景交融的艺术设计优势。In design, we must aim at the characteristic of E-book itself to carry on the effective design, and fully exhibit the advantages of E-book.

他们的另一贡献在于将这种深厚的情感与自然物象有机地融合起来,使风意象达到了情景交融的新境界。Another contribution of them is that they i. make the deep feelings and the natural things melt together organically, this is a new confine.

他或寄情于景,或以景衬情,或情景交融,使情与景在词中和谐地统一在一起。Sometimes he sent feelings in scene, or with scene lining feelings, or scene blend , make feelings be with scene in Ci unification together harmoniously.

看今天这个架式,就像神话中的天兵天将,会腾云驾雾,说他们踢冰踢雪,飞奔在漫天飘洒的雪花中,就是一幅情景交融的立体画。See today this posture, like the mythical mountain day, walking, say they play play snow ice, snow flew in the air, is a fusion of three-dimensional painting.

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而中国古代文论中的情景关系始终强调的是一种情景交融、物我两忘的双向互动关系。However, in Chinese ancient literary theory, scenario relations is always to emphasize the bidirectional interactive relations of scenes and things in natural ways.

在创作手法上,李清照做到了虚实结合,情景交融,因而其梅花词境界鲜明,耐人寻味。In the writing technique, Li Qingzhao had achieved the combination of the virtual scenes, thus her plum blossom verse had a distinct of realm and thought-provoking.

由于它的存在,冲破了封闭空间的制约而争取与户外空间取得更加广泛的联系,从而使主体与客体情景交融。Because it is there, break the closure of the constraints of space and outdoor space for a more extensive contacts, so that the main object of scenarios and integration.

王昌龄倡导的是情景交融的理想化的诗歌,这样的交融也是唐代大部分诗歌的主要特点。Wang Changling advocates here an ideal poem in which emotion and scene are integrated, and such integration is the main characteristic of much of the Tang Dynasty poetry.

李白与孟浩然都热爱自然山水,他们的山水诗相同之处是清新自然,情景交融,达到了“天人合一”的境界。Both of them love nature and their poems are identical in being clear, natural and a combination of scene and feeling as well as reaching an extent of heaven and people in one.

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什么时候女人拥有难忘的性爱?是蜜月里的如胶似漆,还是旅途中的情景交融?每个女人可能有不同的体验。When does the woman have the unforgettable sexual affection? Is in honeymoon's being inseparable, in journey fitting together? Each woman possibly has the different experience.

中国传统绘画追求的是主客合一、情景交融的心理和谐,是以写意手法创造的介于具象和抽象之间的绘画。The pursuit of Chinese traditional painting which is designed by Free-hand between Reality and Abstraction is the psychological harmony of subject-object unity and feeling-setting blend.

本设计材料以玻璃纤维和亚克力为主。金鱼与水的情景交融,生动的概括了中国古老哲学的最高追求“上善若水”。The design materials with glass fibers and acrylic-based. Goldfish and water scenes, vivid summary of the ancient Chinese philosophy, the highest pursuit of " Highest excellence as water".