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你能够想象在22岁的时候就自己当老板并且财政独立么?Could you imagine?

财政纪律松驰。Financial discipline is lax.

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2011年财政预算,束手束脚。Budget 2011, No wriggle room.

另一个不同体现在学校财政方面。Another difference is financial.

财政管理上辨别力良好。Good sense of finance management.

财政担保函样本。Assure the letter sample in finance.

那如何解决由此带来的财政赤字呢?But what about tackling the deficit?

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你能克服财政问题。You can overcome financial problems.

还有这次旅行的财政方面?And the financial aspect of the trip?

我在讲一个财政演算。I am talking about a fiscal exercise.

同样的,财政政策也可以提供支持。Equally, fiscal policy will be a prop.

然而,财政政策有其局限性。However, fiscal policy has its limits.

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这些都是财政狂热的代价。Such are the wages of financial mania.

他把这叫作财政膨胀的战争。Call it the Battle of the Fiscal Bulge.

它也会刺激财政收入。It could also give a fillip to revenues.

财政和知识界精英认同此调查。Financial and intellectual elites concur.

安徽省YX县是贫困县,存在严重的财政困难。YX is a poverty county in Anhui province.

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欧洲的财政政策也需要调整。s fiscal policy also needs recalibrating.

他陷入了重重财政困难之中。He was enmeshed by financial difficulties.

1937年这个财政刺激因素消失了。In 1937, this fiscal stimulus disappeared.