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你的大胸部是硅胶的吗?。Are your tatas silicone?

信越硅胶老品牌,值得信赖!ShinEtsu silicone old brand, trusted!

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需要硅胶炒菜铲长度25.6厘米紫色铲,柄为白色。Durable Silicone Spatula with Length of 25.6cm.

硅胶填充物是最普遍的一种。Silicone-gel implants are the most common kind.

所用的硅胶是饮用水安全型硅胶。This type of silicone is safe for potable water.

采用硅胶丰颞片填充颞部供瓣区凹陷。To fill depressed temporal area by silica gel piece.

密封橡胶件采用德国进口硅胶,抗老化。Silicon rubber imported from Germany, aging-resistant.

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硅胶管,硅胶套管,硅橡胶管。Silicone tube , silicone tubing , silicone rubber tube.

更适合做食品机械的硅胶管。More suitable for food machinery to do the silicone tube.

双头硅胶刷头、多效睫毛魔法刷。Dual silicon rubber brush head, multi-effects magic brush.

如上图所示,把白色的导气盖压入硅胶导气阀门。Push the white vent cover onto the silicone vent as shown.

他们来自硅胶管,其中作为测试阻尼器在这里。They come from silicone tube which act as tester damper here.

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扯开②号维护膜,并可用硅胶面粘除屏幕上的灰尘颗粒。Rip off paper 2, also can usd silicone side to remove the dust.

其中十八烷基硅胶键合相是应用最广泛的反相硅胶键合相。And Octadecyl-silylated silica is the most widely used material.

然而,无论盐水还是硅胶,最终的决定权在你。Ultimately, the choice between saline and silicone is up to you.

糊精,明胶,纯净水,海运码头,硅胶,硬脂酸镁。Dextrin, Gelatin, Purified Water, MCT, Silica, Magnesium Stearate.

方法采用硅胶、聚酰胺和ODS柱层析法。METHODS Silica, polyamide and ODS column chromatography were used.

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那么,硅胶和生理盐水,到底有什么不同?What's the difference between saline and silicone breast implants?

首先,无论硅胶还是盐水丰胸,它们的外面都包裹着一层硅胶壳。Saline and silicone breast implants both have an outer silicone shell.

我公司为专业硅胶和特殊粘接剂生产厂家。I company for professional and special silicone adhesive manufacturers.