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九段分期法。Kudan staging method.

七段分期法。Seven-Segment staging method.

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六段分期法。The sixth installment method.

三段分期法。The three paragraphs periodization.

什么是临床试验的分期?What are the phases of clinical trials?

这个故事分期连载。This story is published in installments.

这些金额可以分期偿还。The amounts are repayable by instalments.

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当局正分期发展这个新市镇。The new town is being developed in phases.

术后全部进行病理T分期。All had been patho-T staging after operation.

瓜达尔深水港项目采取分期建设。Gwadar Deep Water Port shall be built in phases.

我按月分期偿还购买房子的款项。I am paying for the house by monthly instalments.

整个院区一次规划,分期建设。The hospital adopts one plan and staged construction.

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对一笔分期偿付的贷款所支付的实际利率。The true rate of interest paid on an installment loan.

我去年在报纸上读过这故事的分期连载。I read instalments of the story in the newspaper last year.

历史分期是历史编纂的核心问题之一。Periodization is one of the central issues in historiography.

这个国家承受着分期偿付利息和贷款的负担。The country faced the burden of interest and loan repayments.

购买本公司房产,房款可按年分期支付。Payment for our real estate may BE made in annual installments.

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数额较大的,可以分期交纳。Payments by instalments may be accepted if the amount is large.

我打算用三年时间分期偿还汽车的所有费用。I intend to amortize the total cost of the car over three years.

资产当做拿着分类因为售卖不被贬值或分期偿还。Assets classified as held for sale are not depreciated or amortized.