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共和国至此扫平了当时他们最强的对手。The NCR had defeated their strongest opponent yet.

但短暂的公开很快就被扫平。But a brief period of openness was quickly quashed.

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其他设备,如五头石英石扫平定厚机等。Other equipment such as machinery for quartz stone.

“都被扫平了,”戴维斯先生说,“简直难以置信。“They’re flattened, ” Mr. Davis said. “You just can’t believe it.

这周末是卡特里娜飓风扫平墨西哥湾沿岸地区四周年纪念日。This weekend marks the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's devastation of the Gulf Coast.

主要介绍了水泡式激光扫平仪的原理及其精度测试方法。This paper introduces the principle of laser level with bubbles and the method of accuracy measuring.

几个世纪前,这片荒芜的地方曾是一座繁荣的小镇,可据说一场龙卷风扫平了它。Centuries ago, this deserted place was a flourishing town, but a tornado is said to have wiped it out.

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模具电动升降,经四边毛刷冲整,扫平纸面自动出料。Forming by motorized hoisting mould, use brush to fold and smoothen paper edge then output automatically.

穆尔瓦作出的这个给债主和股东分钱的决定,不见得就会扫平石油开采业。Mulva's decision to pass out cash to the debtors and owners of ConocoPhillips isn't likely to sweep the oil industry.

在那一年内,五个战争机器人扫平了所有守护者机器人,塞伯特恩是霸天虎的了。The five War Droids had wiped out the Guardians by the end of the Standard year, and Cybertron belonged to the Decepticons.

激光扫平信号与闭环控制系统结合,可实现地面的水平平整。The laser flatting signal combined with a closed-loop control system can be used in automatic level flatting of the ground.

文中介绍了一种用于工程机械中的激光扫平系统的结构和工作原理。The structure and operating principle of a laser flat scanning system for the engineering machinery are described in the paper.

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他发明的无线自行车制动系统在三万亿次试验中仅失败三次,这无疑为无线飞行操控扫平了前路。And his wireless braking system on a bike could pave the way after he proved it would only fail three times in a trillion attempts.

为了梵蒂冈的颜面,教皇请来了罗马的犹太教领导并表示二战时期纳粹试图扫平欧洲,他们杀害犹太人就是反对上帝的行为。To try to repair the damage the pope hosted Jewish leaders in Rome and said the Nazis' attempt to wipe out European Jewry was a "crime against God".

如此一来布什削弱了民主党在参议院的权力,在一定程度上扫平障碍,但也需付出十年减税的代价。Doing so largely stripped Democrats of their ability to raise procedural obstacles in the Senate, but also required the tax cuts to expire after ten years.

周四晚日本再次遭遇了强烈的余震,并拉响海啸警报,这距离上次被地震和海啸扫平了东北海岸将近一个月的时间。Japan was rattled by a strong aftershock and tsunami warning Thursday night nearly a month after a devastating earthquake and tsunami flattened the northeastern coast.

但罗森斯打算扫平群雄,独占鳌头,部分原因是哈罗德和他的工程小组在过去一年里,已解决了许多棘手的技木问题。The Rosens instead plan to blow away the field in part because Harold and his team of engineers have solved a set of daunting technological issues just in the past year.

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所以,研制电子自动安平的扫平仪,填补国内大地自动测量仪器的空白,具有很好的实际意义。So it has very practice meaning to develop the electronic automatic Anping laser Totaling level, and it will fill up the blank of home measure instrument of mother earth.

今天,这个疾病席卷了全球,据称每年有180万生命因它陨落,相当于每年扫平华盛顿特区的人口三次。Today, the disease has a truly global impact, claiming 1.8 million lives annually—the equivalent of wiping out the population of Washington, D.C., three times every year.

他也接了探路者的任务,这任务需要七十人,说是要扫平西南山脉的巨大化地鼠,收取到五百个魔核才可以。He also answer browse the way the task of , this task needs 70 people and say to squelch southwest mountain range of big rotate a ground of rat, take to 500 evil pits just can.