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我觉得她玩“五子棋”佷厉害。And I think she play "Five Steps Chess"well.

我尊敬所有为五子棋作出贡献的人。I admire everybody who has done so much for renju.

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我也希望我们的中国国内的五子棋朋友安全平安!I also hope our renju friends in China are all safe!

真正的五子棋友,他们不会关心政治。True renju friends, they do not care about politics.

五子棋是两人反对在玩游戏。Gomoku is a game for two people playing in opposition.

一个简单的五子棋游戏,要在TC下才能运行哦。A simple gobang game, must be able to move under TC oh.

网络五子棋,可以用来作为开发和学习之用。Gobang network can be used as a development and learning.

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这是一个简单的五子棋小游戏,仅供学习之用,谢谢!This is a simple game of backgammon , only learning, thank you!

网络五子棋,学习网络编程很好的实例代码!Network Gobang, learning good example of network programming code!

但我为那些因此受到伤害的五子棋朋友实在是感到遗憾。Above all, I feel so sorry for the renju players who suffer because of it.

几天前,也就是2月13日,那是我开始下五子棋20年的日子。Some days ago, on February 13, it was my 20th anniversary of playing renju.

有时候,我和妈妈还下五子棋,这可是我的强项了。Sometimes, my mother and I have even Gobang, that was my strong suit of the.

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这是一个五子棋小代码,只有人人对战,没有智能。This is a small Gobang code, only for all the war, there is no intelligence.

但令人惊讶的是,不久以后,五子棋比跳棋更受学生们的欢迎。Surprisingly, renju soon became more popular among the students than checkers.

这里设计和实现了一个双人对下的五子棋单机游戏。Here designed and has realized one two person to under gobang single plane game.

结交五子棋朋友并不意味着是和谁结盟。Making renju friend does NOT mean making political alliance against someone else.

这是VC环境下开发的五子棋游戏,非常有利于我们的学习。This is developed under VC environment Gobang game, very beneficial to our study.

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当我到达的时候,有很多人正在下五子棋,还有一些人在下跳棋。When I went there, many people were playing renju there, some were playing checkers.

综上所述,本系统实现了五子棋网络游戏以及游戏的移植。To summarize, the Gobang network gaming and porting have been realized in this system.

在我五子棋生涯早期,我依然记得这些彩色棋子的棋局。From the early days of my renju career, I remember the games with those colored stones.