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她搽着厚厚的脂粉。She paints herself thick.

玛丽稍稍涂了一点脂粉。Mary was slightly made up.

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她浓浓地抹了一层脂粉。She laid the paint on thickly.

他把我脸上的脂粉都吻掉了。He kissed all my face power off.

我从不认为你需要脂粉敷面。I never saw that you did painting need.

只知运用脂粉涂抹他的诗句。Stirred by a painted beauty to his verse.

泪水把她脸上的脂粉都冲掉了。Her tears washed away the paint from her face.

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她的泪水把脸上的脂粉都洗掉了。Her tears washed away the paint from her face.

她打开手提包,开始往脸上重敷脂粉。She opened her handbag and began to repair her face.

她向镜中望去,开始往脸上重敷脂粉。She looked into the mirror and began to repair her face.

她们可以是普通的衣着,不施脂粉,但目光聪慧,笑容甜美。They can be ordinary clothes, not painting, but the look smart, sweet smile.

朱利替我抹了脂粉,否则我真有点儿像一具尸体了。Julie had rouged my cheeks, for otherwise I should have looked like a corpse.

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本文介绍了聚酰亚胺树脂粉在金刚石抛光片中的应用。The paper introduces polyimide resin and its wheel's manufacturing and application.

婶婶,你是个脂粉队里的英雄,连那些束带顶冠的男子也不能过你。You're such an exceptional woman, aunt, that even men in official belts and caps are no match for you.

如今,脂粉以及粉状眼影等类似产品的主要用途就是为了满足这种对美的追求。Today, powders and similar products such as powder-based eye shadow primarily serve aesthetic purposes.

孩子们用龙眼核给他做眼珠,又从谁的母亲的脂粉奁中偷得胭脂来涂在嘴唇上。The children use fruit stones for its eyes, and steal rouge from some mother's vanity case for its lips.

他们慢慢走近时,我注意到那女人衣服的颜色和她脸上涂的脂粉颜色一样。As they edged closer I noticed that the woman's outfit was the exact color of the false bloom on her cheeks.

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我们的大众教育中,只有小女孩才会从小在母亲的指导下沾染上脂粉和化装的。According to the experiences of our public education, only little girls become infected with rouges and make-up.

这时她希望自己的妆容都恰当地调和在一起,没有一丁点儿的脂粉渣子掉在她的两腮或者颧骨上。She hoped that her makeup was properly mixed in, that no clump of powder had gathered dustily upon her chin or cheek.

薄施脂粉,一条黑华丝葛裙子系得高高的,细腰喇叭袖黑木钻狗牙边雪青绸夹袄,脖子上围着一条白丝巾。A black skirt was tied high, trumpet sleeves with silk lined green undercoat and white silk scarves highlighted her light makeup.