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你这个老奸巨猾的家伙!You sly old devil!

他是政治家中最老奸巨猾的一个。He is the subtlest of the politicians.

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你们想我当个老奸巨猾的律师——嘿,对了!You wanted me to be a shrewd lawyer-- oh, yes!

他是位老奸巨猾的政客,你永远都不知道他会怎么样反应。He's a crafty politician. You never know how he will react.

博斯克的老奸巨猾,将是西班牙取患上终极胜利的最重要砝码之一。Bosque's wily, Spain to win the final victory will be the most important one weight.

同样的,那些资源丰富、渴求贷款而老奸巨猾的政府也可能认为中国政府是最好的债权人。Dodgy governments, rich in resources and eager for loans, may likewise view China's government as a creditor of choice.

他的证据是陈旧无力的,他的律师们聪明机灵有锐利的眼光,他的指控是猛烈的,老奸巨猾的谋杀者。His witnesses were old and feeble, his lawyers were clever and sharp-eyed, and his accused was a violent, wicked murderer.

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之前他还对着一群热情的青年创业者以及老奸巨猾的风投资本家和银行家发表了演说。He was speaking before a very enthusiastic crowd of young entrepreneurs and older and wiser venture capitalists and bankers.

爵士仍旧强韧,马刺依然“老奸巨猾”——季后赛经验丰富的老悍将,联盟最年轻的队伍开拓者队也摩拳擦掌意欲奋发图强。Utah will again be scrappy , San Antonio will again be a bunch of playoff-tested veterans, and up-and-coming Portland is one of the league's youngest teams.

Demara于1921年生于麻省的劳伦斯,他是一个老奸巨猾的骗子,一个美国逃兵,可以在不同的身份之间穿梭自如。Born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1921, Demara was a sophisticated con man, a U.S. army deserter with a spectacular ability to put on and discard identities at will.

Demara于1921年生于麻省的劳伦斯,他是一个老奸巨猾的骗子,一个美国逃兵,可以在不同的身份之间穿梭自如。Born in Lawrence, Massachusetts, in 1921, Demara was a sophisticated con man, a U. S. army deserter with a spectacular ability to put on and discard identities at will.