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Tiffany黑玛瑙佛珠水泡项链。Toggle necklace. Black onyx beads.

佛珠是佛教的象徵之一。The mala is one of Buddhist symbols.

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总不能老站在佛珠的保护圈里,来个相应不理吧!He couldn't just stand in the protective ring of the prayer beads and ignore them!

他底大妻正是手里捻着念佛珠,一边在念着“南无阿弥陀佛”,一边答。Chanting " Buddha preserve me" with a rosary in her hand, the scholar's wife replied.

万佛珠迅速缩小收紧,直接将二人紧紧勒住。Ten thousand Buddhist prayer beads quickly lessen to tighten and directly stop 2 people tightly.

她的佛珠挂链所用的琥珀,也许是波罗的海沿岸或缅甸北部出产的。Her Buddhist rosary beads were of amber, perhaps from the shores of the Baltic or northern Burma.

红皮之内,果肉晶莹,含汁欲滴,内核椭圆,呈棕色,光滑似佛珠。Within the red peel, the glittering pulp is full of juice, and the oval brown pit is as smooth as the Buddha bead.

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停车场旁有些小摊贩,或坐或站地在卖佛香、佛珠和一些小型的菩萨造像。Several vendors were sitting or standing around the parking lot, selling incense and beads and little Buddhist statues.

只见帝一夫人跪拜在垫子上,边上放着一串长长的佛珠。Sees throne an lady kowtow on the mattress ugg short put aboard the side a string of long long of Buddhist prayer beads.

整个可拉琴整齐地排列,小货摊充满了宗教气息,诸如为游人准备的祷告用的佛珠和小饰品。The entire kora is lined with little stalls full religious attributes such as prayer beads and knickknacks for the tourists.

文祥细细回想方才的情景,突然忆起那串佛珠,他举手一看,确实在自己的右腕上!Wen Xiang carefully recalled the recent scene. He suddenly remembered the string of prayer beads . He lifted his hand and saw it on his right wrist!

只有万佛珠不为所动,它只是死路,没有心,所以不会有感动,也不会有迟疑。Only ten thousand Buddhist prayer beads don't swing, ugg Classic Tall, it is just dead end, there is no center, so can't be touched as well for have hesitation.

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他的离开让我有一种强烈的愿望想要所有东西都是希腊的,现在我开始听曼诺斯-哈达吉达克斯的音乐,心事重重的时候就把玩爸爸的佛珠,看着我床头爸爸收藏正统的圣像入睡。His departure gave birth to a longing, craving for all things Greek. I listen to Manos Hadjidakis music now, play with his Komboloi when I feel preoccupied and sleep with his Orthodox icon by my bed.