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“多么可爱的大贵人,”他常说。"What a charming grand seigneur, " he said.

每个人的生命中都有一些贵人相助。Some people come into your life for a reason.

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那里住着一个饭来张口的贵人,它名叫王子。There lived a pampered personage by the name of Prince.

你们那些贵人,正如您说的,有一套自己的、。You great lords have, so you say, a philosophy of your own.

你的志向将很可能得到贵人相助,获益也将随之而至。Help with your aspirations is likely, and profits could follow.

我认为她可以做到,她只需遇到贵人就行了。I think she can do it. She just needs to meet the right people.

匈奴贵人使者作为单于先行而入汉,死于中原。The envoys tried to enrage Hun and made Chanyu to fight with Han.

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如果你觉得对方在这一年里真是你的贵人,那么就送张精美的卡片。Write a nice card if you feel like that 'person really made your year.'

昨天另一位城市贵人加入了“红魔骑士”。Yesterday it also emerged that another City grandee had joined the team.

为什么我要屈服去爱并娶了一个贵人的私生女儿?Why did I yield to love and marry the natural daughter of a great nobleman ?

通过它,你能了解游戏开发的全过程,还能遇到你职业生涯中的“贵人”。You will learn the development process and meet the right people to succeed.

而金贵人之子信城君也于此时病死。And the son of the precious people believe city jun also to die at this time.

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做人民的,自甘居人之下,并把一个贵人顶在头上。And as a people, it willingly subordinates itself and takes a lord for its head.

帅飘重回上海,可以说是遇到了贵人相助。Handsome flying back to Shanghai, can be said to be met with the help of others.

金公谅的细作将宋应昌的消息告知金贵人。Gold and we trust his report will Song Yingchang message tell the precious people.

你真是贵人多忘,竟然会忘了会议的时间。Great men tend to have short memories. Indeed, the meeting time slipped your mind.

威灵顿回到滑铁卢村里写军书,向贵人巴塞司特报捷。Wellington went to the village of Waterloo to draw up his report to Lord Bathurst.

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帅飘重回上海,可以说是遇到了贵人相助。Handsome drift back to Shanghai, can be said to be met nice people that will help you.

生活是如此美好,特别是身边有那么多贵人相助。Life is great, especially when you have as many good people in your corner the way I do.

“多么可爱的大贵人,”他常说,“挎着他那条蓝佩带,好不神气!”"What a charming grand seigneur , " he said, "and what a fine air he had with his blue ribbon! "