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在这种蛮不讲理的人手下工作真令人恼火。It rubs to work under such an obstinate man.

他是一个贪婪、奸诈而又蛮不讲理的人。He is a possessive, duplicitous and unreasonable man.

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残忍的苦行窟,处女们的火坑,蛮不讲理的地方。Liars of terrible devotion, caverns of virgins, ferocious places.

他们蛮不讲理,一定要经理退还原本不该退还的押金。They angrily insisted that the manager return their nonrefundable deposit.

一见太子爱妃如此蛮不讲理,当场大怒要将爱妃打入冷宫。See prince love princess so unreasonable, the rage will love princess in limbo.

对完全蛮不讲理的人,是否还要尊重他,顾及他的感受呢?Is it a necessity to show respect and care to those who are totally unreasonable?

那么,还有哪些少数人的权利及财产权能免于蛮不讲理的多数人的侵犯呢?Then what minority and property right would be safe from the assaults of an irrational majority?

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主动将苏子君请到一餐厅里喝茶,同时表示以后不会再对苏子君蛮不讲理。The initiative will SuZiJun please go to a restaurant to drink tea, also said later cant again to SuZiJun is unreasonable.

她知道他的好,但她是父母宠坏的孩子,他就像是她父母的接力棒,父母不在身边时接着宠她,所以,她撒娇,任性,有时候蛮不讲理。She knew every merit of his, but as she had been spoiled by her parents and him, she was wilful and sometimes unreasonable.

我们试图接近在私人餐厅里用餐的中方高管们,但遭到了守卫蛮不讲理的驱赶。An effort to approach Chinese executives at their private cafeteria here was met by a threat of forceful expulsion by a guard.

在他向秦王索回玉璧的时候,秦王蛮不讲理,蔺相如气愤得连头发都竖了起来,向上冲着帽子。But the ruler of Qin was rude and unreasonable. Lin was angry, and his hair stood up so stiffly on his head that it lifted up his hat.

在我们社会里,也有少数不顾公共利益、蛮不讲理、行凶犯法的人。There are also a small number of individuals in our society who, flouting the public interest, wilfully break the law and commit crimes.

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可是现在呢?有一天男人正睡着觉,女人蛮不讲理地将他推醒。睡眼中,他看见女人手提一只大耗子的尾巴,正眉开眼笑地展示着她的劳动成果。But now, you can often see that a woman would wake her husband up with a big mouse in hand when he is still in sound sleep, showing her ability gleefully.

比赛结束了,他们队的每个男孩从地毯上爬起来,在溃败的失意中昂首阔步装出一副获胜的样子,流露出像街头地痞一样的骄横和蛮不讲理。And as each of their boys got up from the mat, he swaggered around in his tatters with false bravado, a kind of street pride that couldn"t acknowledge defeat.

发表鼓舞人心演讲时滔滔不绝的奥巴马先生能不能应对蛮不讲理、难以取悦的反对派的挑战?我们将拭目以待。So can Mr. Obama, who can be so eloquent when delivering a message of uplift, rise to the challenge of unreasoning, unappeasable opposition? Only time will tell.

他雄心勃勃,想要壮大精神分析,想要向世人展示他的观点,想要为其观点进行辩护,他还经常说谎,对朋友蛮不讲理,对竞争对手也毫不留情。He was deeply ambitious to the cause of promoting psychoanalysis, to the cause of presenting his view and defending it, and he was often dishonest, extremely brutal to his friends, and terrible to his enemies.