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洋地黄,锂毒性。Digitalis, lithium toxicity.

医生给病人注入洋地黄。The doctor injected the patient with digitalis.

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缺乏统一的洋地黄中毒的诊断标准。Lack of an uniform index diagnosis of digitalis intoxication.

本文又探讨了常山碱及洋地黄毒苷鸽催吐作用的机制问题。The mechanism of vomiting by the dichroines and digitoxin is discussed.

但是,植物是群的一部分。叫做洋地黄属。--被使用到药学上来对待心脏问题。Yet the plant is part of a group called Digitalis that is used in medicine to treat heart problems.

过多的损失中钾的病人接受心苷可能沉淀洋地黄毒性。Excessive loss of potassium in patients receiving cardiac glycosides may precipitate digitalis toxicity.

及时发现和适当处理这些原因,可进一步降低洋地黄的中毒率。Reduction of digitalis intoxication rate relies on early identification of the causes and proper management.

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目的探讨洋地黄治疗小儿肺炎合并心力衰竭的护理方法。Objective To explore the nursing for treatment of pediatric heart failure combined with pneumonia by digitalis.

洋地黄强心甙类是大多数细胞共有的基本和重要离子转运过程的强效抑制剂。Digitalis glycosides are potent inhibitors of a fundamental and vital ion transport process, common to most cells.

目的观察七叶洋地黄双甙滴眼液联合复方血栓通胶囊治疗老年性黄斑变性的临床疗效。Objection To observe the clinical curative effect of Stullen and Compound thrombosis capsule on Senile macular degeneration.

甘草、麻黄若与洋地黄、地高等强心西药合用,可诱发洋地黄中毒、引起心律失常。Licorice, ephedra if and digitalis, to advanced cardiac western medicine can be induced by digitalis poisoning, caused by arrhythmias.

地高辛一种强心葡糖苷,C41H64O14,从熟地的叶子上得到,洋地黄马缨丹,与毛地黄有相同的药理作用。A cardiac glycoside, C41H64O14, obtained from the leaves of a foxglove, Digitalis lanata, with pharmacological effects similar to digitalis.

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例如,人们用洋地黄的干叶子治疗心脏疾病,这比科学家发现产生相同作用的药要早很多。For example, people used dried foxglove leaves to treat heart ailments long before scientists discovered the drug that produced the same effects.

结论心先安治疗顽固性心力衰竭疗效优于洋地黄,是一种安全可靠的有效药物。Conclusions The clinic efficacy of MCA is better than one of DIG in the treatment of IHF. MCA is a safe and effective medicine for patients with IHF.

而高血钾症、洋地黄、心得安过量、奎尼丁中毒可以出现窦房阻滞。And it is toxic and OK that disease of tall blood Potassium, digitalis, result installs excessive, quinidine sluggish of block of occurrence antrum room.

这里许多药物都是纯天然的。阿司匹林和奎宁都是从树皮和一类花中含有的对于治疗心脏疾病特别有效的洋地黄中提取出来的。Many medicines have come from nature. Both aspirin and quinine were derived from the bark of trees and digitalis, a potent heart medicine, comes from a flower.

心肌对低钾尤其敏感,特别是当病人患有冠心病或正在服用洋地黄类药物时。The myocardium is extremely sensitive to the effects of hypokalemia , particularly if the patient has coronary artery disease or is taking a digitalis derivative.

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地高辛抗血清能改善由于脑缺血再灌注所造成的SOD、ATP酶活性的下降以及MDA、CK和内洋地黄素水平的升高。Anti digoxin antiserum could inhibit the decrease in SOD and ATPase activities and the increase in MDA, CK and endoxin levels caused by ischemia reperfusion in rat brain.

洋地黄是西方医药界最早广泛使用的一种类固醇。皮质类固醇及其合成物可用来治疗风湿病和其它炎症。Digitalis was the first steroid widely used in Western medicine. Corticosteroids and their synthetic analogs are used to treat rheumatism and other inflammatory ailments.

方法制备心肌组织缺氧损伤模型,观察不同剂量的地高辛抗血清对缺氧损伤心肌组织内源性洋地黄样因子水平和心肌细胞膜ATP酶活性的影响。Methods It was observed that different concentration anti_digoxin antiserum effect on endogenous digitalis_like factor and cell membrane ATPase activity in hypoxic myocardium model.