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这就很明了了。Well, that clears that up.

现在看来很明了了。Now that's pretty clearly true.

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我听不太明了你说的话。I can't catch what you rear endert.

明了过多的温柔所带来的苦痛。To know the pain of too much tenderness.

我想市场的情况已经很明了了I think it's pretty clear what's happening.

这些命令输出应该是非常简单明了的。The command outputs should be self-explanatory.

此图说明了一个典型的SONET网络。This diagram illustrates a typical SONET network.

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这一定是每个人都明了的,即使是最愚钝的人。It must be to everybody , even to the dullest mind.

另外,她儿子对于简单明了的写字显得很吃力。In addition, the son has struggled to write legibly.

我已经明了那段路程。不再让它那么遥远。I've learned the hard way. Never let it get that far.

你可能明了扫数的研习诀要,儿童英语。You may know every single piece of the learning tips.

将页面同数据池相关联是一项简单明了的操作。Associating a page with a datapool is straightforward.

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究竟在大多数人眼里,是伽利略发明了望远镜,对不对?After all it was Galileo Galilei who invented it right?

章节应该按照编年体的顺序来安排,并且应该清楚明了的。Chapters are read in chronological order and make sense.

这理论被减化以使其明了易解。The theory was simplified to make it easier to understand.

一个真正的男子汉会明了自信和自负的界线。A real man knows the thin line between confident and cocky.

讲座十分明了并遵循一个十分逻辑的顺序“"The lectures were clear and followed a very logical order."

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但愿我能够把它解释的明了并且揭穿那些所谓神话的真相。Hopefully I can clear up the confusion and debunk some myths.

对“怕事”的人或组织要挑明了说。You should speak clearly to the men and the groups that timid.

他们认为钱无关紧要,说话简单明了和快乐。They were indifferent to money, wordly possesions and pleasure.