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这条船禁得起狂风暴雨的袭击。The ship can weather the furious storm.

有信念的人禁得起任何风暴。A person with faith can stand any storm.

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其次,它必须像军装一样禁穿耐磨,要能禁得起至少20次以上的洗涤。Second, it’s got to be army-laundry tough, withstanding at least 20 washes.

这项测试测量出涂料是如何禁得起一个强大力量的直接“打击”。This test measures how the paint withstands a direct "hit" by a large force.

真爱是禁得起时间以及空间的考验的,简。爱和罗切斯特的爱情做到了。Yes love withstand the test of time and space, and Jane. Love love and Rochester did.

圣经密码若要禁得起科学的检验,就必须在事件发生之前加以预测。To be tested scientifically, Bible codes would need to predict events before they happen.

陈显达说,阿基诺三世在公款的运用上,相当谨慎,禁得起公众的检视。Chen Xianda said Aquino III on the use of public funds, very careful to bear the public's view.

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让我问你,如果你想要在这一年中获得成功,你能够禁得起浪费一整个月的损失吗?Let me ask you this, if you’re going to be successful this year, can you afford to waste one entire month?

在你发起一个运动前,你应该瞭解这得负担些承诺、时间,并且要坚持、禁得起考验。Before you launch into a campaign, you should be aware it takes commitment, time, perseverance and a thick skin.

无论我们谈的是政治还是经济,开放、透明、自由和公平都禁得起时间的考验。Whether we’re talking about politics or economics, openness, transparency, freedom and fairness stand the test of time.

特写时,阿娇的面部也很禁得起考验,除了稍微有点干纹和黑眼圈,面部几乎无懈可击。Close-up, A Jiao 's face also withstand the test, in addition to a little bit and Ganwen black eye, face almost flawless.

因此,在开口说话前,确信你所说的话合适到足以禁得起放到社会媒体上检验的地步。So before you open your mouth to say something, make sure it's something you would be proud to post everywhere on social media.

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通过索桥很危险必须拿着手电通过,而且索桥每次只能禁得起两个人的重量。The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it’s only strong enough to support two people at any given time.

但是,你还得明确你的孩子具备一定的注意广度,同时能禁得起买东西这一路的疲劳颠簸。But, again, you need to make certain that you child has both the attention span and the ability to make his or her way a shopping jaunt with you.

如果你无法平和冷静地通过一场面试,这会很难使别人相信你能禁得起来自常规工作的严格考验。If you can't make it through an interview without crumbling, people are unlikely to believe you'll be able to withstand the rigors of a normal job.

如果修行没有担当,不能禁得起挫折、磨鍊,那就只是研究佛学而非学佛。If you cannot assume responsibility for your own cultivation or endure its trials and hardships then you are at best studying Buddhism, not practicing it.

厨房的地面要牢固,禁得起摩擦和防水、防滑、防油、抗碱、抗酸,且要易于踏足其上。The ground of the kitchen wants firm, able to bear chafes and waterproof, prevent slippery, prevent oil, fight alkaline, fight acid, and should step easily sufficient on its.

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与其单单鼓吹我们的信仰,还不如经由实际生活,我们有能力去试验及精炼他们,最后发展出一套可实行地信仰体系及生活哲学,其实是可以禁得起压力与变化的。By living rather than merely preaching our beliefs, we are able to test and refine them, eventually developing a viable belief system and life philosophy which can withstand stress and change.