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他们有完备的功能。They're able to fully function.

公园,所有的便利设施都很完备。has parking, all the amenities.

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水价格体系不完备,结构单一等情况。The system of price isn't perfect.

实例表明此完备化方法是行之有效的。Examples show that the algorithm is valid.

退学生的机制尚不完备。The mechanism of dropouts is far from perfect.

农村的公共服务设施经常是不完备的。Public services in rural areas are often inadequate.

为什么正规的程序被证明是NP-完备性?Why does the formal procedure prove NP-Completeness?

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硅烷已经开发完备,具有广泛的应用。Silanes are well established and enjoy widespread use.

而且它可能缺少完备的和最新的文档。It may also lack complete and up-to-date documentation.

拦截者又尽没有犹豫天将入进完备壅闭。Opponents will turn hesitation into complete obstruction.

要是你找到了这样一位伴侣,你的人生就完备了,充塞了欢娱。And if you find such a friend, You feel happy and complete.

本文证明了MOL归结原理是完备的。It is proved that the MOL resolution principle is complete.

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那样易先生就需要一个真正的完备的管理体系。Which means Mr. Yi needs a real management system in place.

幸运的是,我所居住的旅馆公寓设施完备。Luckily, the aparthotel I am living at has an amazing staff.

泊头交通条件便利,基础设施完备。Botou convenient traffic conditions, infrastructure complete.

研究国家危机管理的涵义,是建立完备的国家危机管理体系的基础。Definition of NCM is the basis to set up complete NCM system.

修行完备的人知道自性是来自大自然。Men of perfect practice know that self-nature is from nature.

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综合商社在组织上是比较完备的。Sogo Shosha is rather complete in its organizational structure.

三河一中校内设施齐全,功能完备。Three Rivers campus facilities in a complete, fully functional.

这就是修行完备的人做任何事都能善尽其功的原因。This is why a man of perfect practice can accomplish everything.