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过多夸奖,反成担当。Too much praise is a weight.

是我们对先烈的报答,对历史的担当。It is the reward of our martyrs.

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他的技能使他能担当这项工作。His skills qualify him for the work.

史女士密斯将担当原告的署理人。Ms. Smith will represent the defendant.

听说女配角是由简·方达担当。They say the IT is played by Jane Fonda.

原始的产甲烷菌足以担当这个重任吗?Were primordial methanogens up to the task?

在担当这个角色中最有挑战的什么?What’s the most challenging part of your role?

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所有的项目组成员都担当一个或多个角色。All project team members take one or more roles.

他还不能担当写出伟大诗作的重任。He's not yet up to the task of a great poem yet.

泰特先生还担当了官方摄影师的职责。Mr Tait also acted as the official photographer.

我们可担当不起落后于竞争对手的后果。We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.

正是这部执法答应全部成年女子拥有推举权并担当公职。It allowed all adult men to vote and hold office.

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颠末训练的狗能担当瞽者的导游。A trained dog can act as a guide to a blind person.

我昂首挺胸地看着其他同样能够担当的人,那种英雄相惜的眼神,我懂的,“瞧我买的东西,我现在也是能担当的人了。”I'm responsible now too. Just look at my groceries.

皇家检察署的律师担当公诉人。Lawyers from the CPS may act as public prosecutors.

找一位有经验的科学家来担当此任。Seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post.

对于其他的来说,褪黑激素担当的是抗氧化剂。Among other roles, melatonin acts as an antioxidant.

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中继担当代表其移动对等点的代理。A relay acts as a proxy on behalf of its mobile peers.

这是一件大事业,但是我们有足够的本领担当起来!This is a mighty task, but we are men enough to do it!

她征询卫斯里究竟推荐何人来担当此重任。She asked Wesley to recommend someone for the position.