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我们将支持他担任公职。We will back him for public office.

有头有脸的公职人员?Head has the face of public officials?

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然而,在这之前她从未竞选过公职。But she never had run for an elected position.

曹先生,41岁,以前没有担任过任何公职。Mr Cao, 41, has never held public office before.

正是这部执法答应全部成年女子拥有推举权并担当公职。It allowed all adult men to vote and hold office.

有意者,现在马上就应该去申请一份政府公职。Candidates should apply for a government job at once.

但腐败的公职人员却以此来捞取好处。But corrupt public officials used this as an advantage.

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包括所有「有报酬」的公职。" Remunerated offices" include all " remunerated" public offices.

所有的殖民地都要求唯有相信三位一体之神的人方可任公职。All colonies required belief in the Triune God for office-holding.

Khalif是一个不太可能成功的公职参选人。Fadhila Hanoosh Khalif is an unlikely candidate for public office.

最高法原副院长黄松因腐败问题有被开除公职。Former Chinese supreme court vice president sacked for corruption.

相比亨茨曼,雷德并没有太长的公职履历。Randt did not have the long resume of public service that Huntsman has.

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生于贵族家庭,1714年起开始在波尔多担任公职。Born in a noble family, in 1714 began to hold public office in Bordeaux.

怎么能将一个七岁的孩子判为袭击和殴打公职人员罪?How can you possibly charge a 7-year-old child with assault and battery?

不过不能完全把哈姆林从公职甩掉。Nevertheless, Hamlin could not be completely dislodged from public office.

公职权是由资格、利益和自由行为三部分内容构成的。The public office is made up of qualification, benefit and liberal behavior.

共和国初年,只有财产所有人才可以投票或担任公职。In the early republic, only property owners could vote or hold public office.

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中国公职人员健康不佳、体态臃肿、脾气暴躁,基本上全都是亚健康者。China's bureaucracy is unhealthy, bloated, irritated and basically substandard.

现在他已经不再担任公职,但是许多人仍然愿意听取他的意见。He is no longer in public office but plenty of people still listen to his advice.

而马奇亚维利的成年时光,有一大部份花在这个共和国的公职上。And Machiavelli spent a good deal of his adult life in the service of the republic.