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去试一试,为我制造更多笑料!Go ahead and try. Make me laugh!

我们的雇主把我们的建议视作笑料。Our employer treated our suggestion as a joke.

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她那糟糕的烹调技术成了邻居的笑料。Her bad cooking has become the neighbourhood joke.

这个奖项本身就是笑料。Other jokes about the award also write themselves.

时间一分一秒地过去了,可是马实在是没有什么笑料可寻。The minutes fly by. Horses are nothing to joke about.

那伟大的诗篇也给了人们笑料。The great poem contributed to the gayety of the world.

且看四对欢喜冤家如何笑料百出!Let us look at four pairs of happy lovers how jokes abound!

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而且,我给晚间电视节目主持人提供了几年也不会过时的笑料。And I had given late-night TV hosts fodder for years of jokes.

有足够的笑料,还有性感、蠢笨和即兴的魅力。There are laughs here aplenty, and sexy, goofy, off-the-cuff charm.

虽然电视剧中笑料百出,赛勒斯的歌唱天分却没有玩笑。Though the show is played for laughs, Cyrus's singing talent is no joke.

这甚至值得让你放弃看最喜欢的女喜剧演员,免费为你提供笑料。You can even pull up your favorite comedienne and get a few laughs for free.

一般来说,喜剧片的规矩是每页至少有三个突出的笑料。Generally, the rule is that a comedy should feature at least three jokes per page.

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提高意想不到的效果,就在笑话的最后抛出笑料,或者是一句画龙点睛的结语,这是最好的方法!To enhance the surprise, it's best to place the punch line at the end of the joke.

于是,在“人民书写的历史”上,他成了那个企图还债却又还不起的笑料。Thereupon, he became the laughing stock of attempting to pay debt that he can never pay.

不过,这段小插曲可能会成为下次他在北京愉快的鸡尾酒会上的笑料。Still, this episode might make for jolly cocktail-party banter next time he is in Beijing.

他们可能一直把这件事当笑料去消遣,但不会乱嚼舌根。They may crack jokes the whole time and mock the process, but they don't complain about it.

有时也会招来服务生的白眼,但我们只是相视一笑,只当是快乐的笑料罢了。Sometimes called the waiter 's eyes, but we just smiled at each other, but is happy laughter.

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大利亚政治领导层笑料连连,所以有人为此拍了一部情景剧。Australia's political leadership has been so rife with comedy, it's being turned into a sitcom.

诸葛亮给马接生,刘备为爱将编草鞋,等等,这些情节和其中的对白大多成了观众的笑料。Zhu Geliang's helping a horse to give birth, and Liu Bei's making straw shoes for his warriors.

好莱乌的“趣闻制造机"通过一个可笑的对比为我们茶余饭后的生活增添了笑料。Leave it to the Hollywood spin-machine to make our day interesting with a ridiculous comparison.