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目的制备茶色素。Objective To prepare tea pigments.

粉红色,紫色,棕色和茶色坐下。Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan sit down.

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粉红色,紫色,棕色和茶色站起来。Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan stand up.

它是一个茶色小旅行袋。It’s a smalltravel bag. It’s light brown.

粉红色,紫色,棕色和茶色转过来,然后Pink,Purple,Brown,and Tan turn around,and

它是一个茶色的小旅行包。It's a small valise bag. It's light brown.

它是一个茶色小旅行袋。It’s a small ovemight bag. It’s light brown.

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黄玫瑰或茶色玫瑰总是很适宜的礼物。Yellow roses or tea roses are always well received.

茶色眼镜可以很好地保护您的眼睛。Brown-tinted glasses offer great protection from the sun.

你难道不在你茶色的鬃发上戴一个花环吗?Will you not tie up with a wreath your tawny coiled locks?

多斯优质茶色波特酒为三年酿混合酒,风格轻盈。Dow's Fine Tawny is a three year old blend, light in style.

黑色和茶色的狗的内层毛也可能是灰色或者茶色的。The undercoat on black and tan dogs also may be grey or tan.

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茶色商品生产商要面对来自日本的竞争。Manufacturers of brown goods have to face competition from Japan.

图中为一朵绽放在奥克弗诺基沼泽的茶色泥沼上的荷花。Water lilies flourish in the tea-tinted bogs of Okefenokee Swamp.

设计师以东方本土特有的墨色和茶色作为空间中的主色调。Designers to orient its unique black and brown as the main colors in space.

茶色波特一般有着好闻的干果香,适合于做餐后甜点酒。Dark brown potter has generally smell dry fruit, is fit to be a dessert wine.

印度北部边境更接近日食带边缘,在图像中显示为茶色。Farther north in India, closer to the shadow’s edge, the surface appears tea-colored.

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本文综述了茶色素的生理功能、制备及应用方面的研究进展。Its pharmacology function, preparation and application were summarized in this paper.

茶色老师还通过扫描艺术作品下方的作者微信二维码,结识了一位版画系的同学。Mr. . Chase got to know a paint major student by scanning the barcode on an art work.

密西西比三角洲的末端,被浅棕色的浑水环绕着,呈现亮茶色。The tip of the Mississippi delta is surrounded by muddy water that appears light tan.