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新疆油料作物的近缘植物。The relative plants of oil crops in Xinjiang.

大面积土地已种上油料作物。Large acreages have been planted to oil crops.

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这里主要种植水稻、小麦、棉花、油料作物和蔬菜等。We mainly plant rice, wheat, cotton, oil-bearing plants and vegetables.

其次,积极支持我国油料作物产业发展。On the other hand, support the development of China's oil-bearing crops.

生物柴油主要来源有油料作物和废食用油回收利用。Biodiesel is mainly derived by oil-bearing crops and residual cooking oil.

诸葛菜是一种十分珍贵的野生油料作物种源。Orychophragmus violaceus is a very valuable seed source of wild oil crops.

此外,提出了一系列政策建议,希冀能够对促进中国油料作物的可持续增长提供有益参考。In addition, we proposed some policy to assist the development of oil crops in China.

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随着大气中二氧化碳含量的增加,谷类和油料作物可能生长的更快。Grain and oilseed crops are likely to develop faster with increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

他说,他认为以油料作物和回收废品为原料生产的生物柴油是“最有希望”的清洁燃料。He said he sees biodiesel made from oil crops and recycled waste as "the most promising" of clean fuels.

油菜是我国四大油料作物之一,油菜的生长状况决定了油菜籽的产量和质量。Oilseed rape is one of China's four major oil-bearing crops, with adaptability, having high economic value.

而其中又以方案四的影响最大,这起因于美国油料作物具有强大竞争力。Among the four options, the fourth's impact is the largest because of American largely competitive oil industry.

粮食加工是一门研究粮食和油料作物的加工理论和加工工艺的应用科学。The cereals and oils processing is a application science of processing theory and technology for cereals and oils.

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核心收集品的建立为加强和实现油料作物种质资源的有效管理及开发利用提供了便利条件。Core collections provide an effective way to enhance the management and utilization of oil crop germplasm resources.

新西兰、日本、韩国和东盟的油料作物处于明显的劣势地位,都是油料作物净进口国。Oil-bearing crops of New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN are at a distinct disadvantage, and they are net importers.

最后,提高油料作物品质,积极发挥具有比较优势的出口创汇油料作物。Besides, improve the quality of oil-bearing crops, and develop the oil-bearing crops which have strong competitive advantage.

另外,像番茄、洋葱和水果类等园艺作物比谷类和油料作物更易受气候变化的影响。Also, horticultural crops such as tomatoes, onions and fruit are more easily affected by climate change than grains and oilseed crops.

富含油分的海蓬子种子可以使用和压榨其他油料作物种子,如向日葵一样的工艺榨油。The oil-rich seeds of the salicornia can be pressed using processing similar to that used for other oil seed crops, such as sunflowers.

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胡麻是宁夏南部山区的主要油料作物,也是当地农民收入的主要经济作物之一。Flax is a main oil crop in Southrn Ningxia hilly area. During recent years, with enlarged demands of society, Seeding area is expanding.

从每公顷土地种植的棕榈树中,我们可以获得约四吨棕榈油,棕榈树出油率极高,是橄榄仁、大豆等其他主要油料作物的十倍之多。We can get about four tons per hectare of oil from those palm trees, ten times as much as other major oil crops like olive seed, soy bean.

本公司主要经营范围是杂粮、杂豆、油料作物、玉米等农副产品加工和销售。The Companys main business scope is miscellaneous grains, miscellaneous bean, oil crops, corn, and other agricultural processing and marketing.