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留心火烛。Beware of the fire.

留心你的健康。Be careful of your health.

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爸爸们一直留心照顾。Daddies always watch over.

留心看着他并且照样做。Watch him and do likewise.

当我们与你说话的时候留心听。Listen when we talk to you.

就这样留心你的“直觉”吧。HEED your "instincts" thusly.

留心那门炮,它有炮尾焰。Mind that gun,it's flaring back.

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我求告你的时候,愿你留心听我的声音。Hear my voice when I call to you.

且随疾风前行,身后亦须留心。Follow the wind, but watch your back.

横穿马路时要留心看交通指挥灯。Cross with care at the traffic lights.

所以,你最好留心第一个。So, you better look out for number one.

这就是你必须留心的地方。That's something you want to watch for.

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留心令堵塞血管的胆固醇!Watch the artery-clogging cholesterol !

保持思想开放并处处留心。Keep an open mind and keep planting seeds.

请留心飞机起飞时间。Please look what time the plane takes off.

所有在世的人儿啊,请留心倾听我的言语。So heed, here, when you awaken, what Isay.

留心看左手边的猛男!Watch the guy on the left, NOT THE GIRL! ! !

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谁留心那些不光彩的死亡。For thee, who, mindful of th' unhonour'd dead.

尼塔哥帕尔留心地听着这些话。Nityagopal listened to these words attentively.

我倘然是黄蜂,那么留心我的刺吧。KATHERINA. If I be waspish, best beware my sting.