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亚洲头号土霸。Asia's number one bully.

他是个头号势利小人。He's a snob of the first water.

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他是学校里的头号大色狼。He's the biggest wolf in school.

恐惧是人的头号强敌。Fear is a person’s greatest enemy.

高温是葡萄酒的头号敌人。Heat is enemy number one for wine.

中国是俄罗斯的头号敌人?。Is China the Russian Number One Enemy?

他为本报弄到所有的头号独家新闻。He got all the big scoops for the paper.

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头号叛徒哟!如今又从何贵干?And now, my Epic Renegade! what are ye at?

恐惧是个人成长的头号敌人。Fear is the No. 1 enemy of personal growth.

这就是本店头号凶房,威尔逊先生。And here’s our most haunted room, Mr. Wilson.

我也许会成为头号公敌。I probably would have been public enemy No. 1.

达乌德.易卜拉欣据信是印度的头号通缉犯。Ibrahim is considered India's most wanted man.

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因此,这已成为我们现在的头号问题。So this has to become our number-one issue now.

让我见证你成为头号选手的那一刻吧,兄弟。Let me see you become the NO. 1 player, brother.

过量浇水是杀死室内盆栽的头号杀手。Overwatering is the no. 1 killer of houseplants.

杰弗是我们的头号投手。我们都非常喜欢他。Jeff is our ace hurler. We all like him very much.

这是头号问题,”马塞说。That is the number-one question, " Masse explains."

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交通事故是美国青少年的头号杀手。Car crashes are the top killer of American teenagers.

这位姑娘声称自己是活着的头号毕加索迷。She claimed to be the greatest living fan of Picasso.

而这次行动的目标正是美国的头号公敌,奥萨马本拉登。The target was America’s No. 1 enemy, Osama bin Laden.