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冈根人退守至纳布沼泽群中的一处圣地内。The Gungans retreated to a sacred place within the Naboo swamps.

创造论者的退守策略在法律上的前景如何?What are the legal prospects of the creationist fallback strategy?

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汽车人退守地球。霸天虎征服半人马星系。The Autobots driven to Earth. Decepticons conquer entire Centuri system.

其诗歌中的现实情思既有用世之志,复多退守之想。Realistic emotion in his poems express both ambitious and conservative attitude.

战斗对我们越来越不利,我们最好退守到山中的小镇。The battle is going badly for us,we'd better fall back on the town in the hills.

家庭成员退守自己的空间,受电视和计算机的保护性扣留。Family members withdraw into their own spaces, in the protective custody of a TV or computer.

苏联为避免与日本冲突,在获取一定权益后退守西伯利亚东部与中国外蒙古。To avoid conflict, after obtaining some benefits, USSR retreated to Siberia and China's Outer Mongolia.

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由于来自发达国家的投资者纷纷退守本土市场,发展中国家也受到了波及。Emerging economies have also been ensnared , as investors from richer countries retreat to their home markets.

与此同时,在收费电视的进逼下,公共电视台的内容已退守到以情景喜剧、歌唱比赛等为主的“相对安全区域”。Meanwhile, broadcast networks have retreated into a safe zone of sitcoms, police procedurals and singing competitions.

1968年法国五月风暴使左派激进势力处于退守境地,现在,作为边缘的左派正好向中心进攻。Turmoil in France in May 1968, left-wing radical forces in the retreated position, and now, as the left edge of the attack just to the center.

日军取道中国大陆出师,英军被逼撤离新界和九龙,退守港岛。The Japanese invaded Hong Kong across the border from China and pushed the British from the New Territories and Kowloon on to Hong Kong Island.

众人被娣妹的气势所慑退守一旁,看见娣妹替张保仔做人工呼吸,以为他们在亲吻。The crowd was awed by her sisters momentum retreat to one side, to see her sister do artificial respiration for cheung Po tsai, thought they kiss.

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绪。在既定的环境里久了,在新的境况面前还是做不到淡定与从容。也或许自己原本就是一个消极退守的人。Thread. Established in the environment for a long time, in the new situation before or do not calm and unhurried. Maybe he had a negative retreated.

大批的联邦军队直到傍晚黄昏还在坚守集结,他们退守到通往墓地岭和寇普岭的小镇,一个南部1英里处的村庄。Outnumbered Unionists held on until late afternoon, when they were driven back through town to Cemetery Hill and Culps Hill, a mile south of the village.

而中国古代雕塑中主体性的人常成为退守状态,被塑者常是“被看”把玩的对象,中国古代雕塑较多的是动物像、佛像,却鲜见纪念性人物雕像。On the contrary, the motif of ancient Chinese sculptures were "object"such as animals and Buddha but not "subject", for example, commemorative figural sculptures.

其小说充满精神和肉体的双重觉醒,双重痛苦——希望的同时在失望,进攻的同时在退守,建构的同时在解构。Her novels are imbued with both physical and spiritual awakenings and agonies-get disappointed while hoping, withdraw while attacking, separate while constructing.

另一种更倾向于防守反击,似乎在防线退守到防守位置之前会解围,对快攻很难防守。The other is more counter-attacking orientated and looks to clear the lines before catching a retreating defence out of position and vulnerable to the quick break.

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虽然言论不多,但鲜明地表示出这二人一为主动一为退守不同的边防思想。The Su brothers took great attention on this issue and it shows that their different frontier strategies, i. e. one active and another passive, though a few remarks.

阖闾之子夫差即位后,吴国水军在太湖打败越兵,乘胜攻入越都,越王勾践退守会稽山。Helv ascended the throne after the son of Fu Chai of Wu defeated in the Taihu Lake water forces more soldiers, more are scoring up a victory, retreated Goujian Kuaijishan.

在传来王子失踪的消息后,你,一名抵抗军的指挥官,被迫率领残存的军队退守远离大陆的埃兰岛。When word came that the Prince was missing, YOU, a commander of the Resistance Army, was forced to lead the remaining troops to retreat to the Aran Island far away from the mainland.