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我的电脑坏了,因此我只好使用信纸。G My computer is broken so I have to use notepaper.

这是一张有他姓名首字母的信纸。This is a letter paper personalized with his initials.

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你要是把信纸对折,就可以装进信封了。If you fold the letter in two, it will fit into the envelope.

大部分信已烧焦了,只有一页信纸的底端还未被烧尽。Most of it was burned, but the bottom of one page was not burned.

望着这沓足足十公分厚的信纸,我忽然认为一阵失望。Eyeing the four-inch-thick wad of paper, I felt a wave of despair.

添置宠物的食物、木材、信纸、灯泡。Replenish one's stocks of pet food, timber, notepaper, light bulbs.

信纸的质量和产地似乎成了一种密码。The quality and provenance of your writing paper is like a secret code.

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比如信纸的折法,稍有不慎,就会被当做故意冒犯。The manner of folding a letter, for example, may embody a studied affront.

理想的尺寸大约是一张A4或者美国信纸那么大。The ideal size is about the area of a piece of A4 or US Letter sized paper.

他用官方信纸写信推荐一个亲戚的公司。He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative's company.

这包括您的电子邮件账户、邮件、联系人、信纸、通知器等等。This includes your email accounts, messages, contacts, Letters, Notifiers, etc.

信纸上边有皇家的标志,而且有女王侍从的签名。It's on royally headed paper and is signed by one of the Queen's Ladies in Waiting!

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所有材料均应以印有有关组织台头的信纸送往无烟草行动。All submissions should be sent to TFI using the interested organization's letterhead.

西方的公司大多依据信纸的抬头来把自己的信件和其它公司的区分开来。Western companies depend on letterheads to identify their envelopes and correspondence.

我撕开回邮信封,展开里面一页单薄的信纸。I tore open the self-addressed, stamped envelope and unfolded the single sheet of paper inside.

他无论如何也不能把信纸平整地插在打字机的滚筒上,他的手指抖动得太厉害了。He couldn't insert his notepaper into the roller properly, his fingers were shaking so violently.

她在线条信纸上写字,她的文字很大而且一圈一圈的,随着她年龄的增长字也越来越大。She wrote on lined stationary and her handwriting was loopy and large, becoming larger as she aged.

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已经在履行约定的傻孩子泪滴湿了信纸,男人痛哭失声!A silly child who was carrying out her faith. The tears made the letter wet. The man cried out loudly!

已经在履行约定的傻刚出生的宝宝泪滴湿了信纸,男孩痛哭失声!A silly kid which were bikerying away IT faith. The tears do the letter wet. The man cried away loudly!

桌上静静的搁着一封信,信纸是薄薄的泛黄的淡灰色宣纸,格以褐色的道。Putting aside a letter, silently on letter-paper pale yellow is a thin, glen gray paper with brown word.