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全城骚动。The whole city was in tumult.

全城都黑漆一片。The whole town is blacked out.

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全城摒弃他于社交之外。The whole city blackballed him.

我搜遍了全城才找到了它。I hunted all over town to find it.

地震把全城夷为平地。The earth-quake laid the city flat.

消息已传遍全城。The news was bruited through the town.

悉尼全城燃烧着奥林匹克的热情。Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm.

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这座电视塔鸟瞰着全城。The television tower domineers the city.

全城居民倾巢而出欢迎教皇。The whole city turned out to cheer the Pope.

现在全城的人都要向我借钱了!Now the whole town will be asking me for money!

他们跑遍全城寻找他们失去的孩子They combed the city looking for their lost child.

女王到访的消息轰动全城。News of the Queen's visit set the whole town astir.

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那场荷马式的大战立刻在全城镇里传开了。The story of that Homeric fight got all around town.

巴贝特,作为一个大黄蜂疯狂,追逐鲁弗斯全城。Babette, mad as a hornet, chases Rufus all over town.

全城沉浸在节日气氛之中。The whole city was immersed in a festival atmosphere.

那儿您可以鸟瞰全城的景色。You may have a bird-eye view of the whole city there.

这家店铺备有全城最好的沙滩装系列。The store has the best selection of beach wear in town.

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我们走遍了全城都没找到一本这种书。We traipsed all over town looking for a copy of the book.

地震发生后,全城乱成一片。All hell broke loose in the city when the earthquake happened.

英裔血统的居民几乎占了全城人口的四分之三。Almost three fourths of the population are of British ancestry.