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我明白了,我看到了伊希斯那冰冷的眼眸。I see, I see Isis'icy eyes.

你可以砍死我用你的眼眸You may cut me with your eyes

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当我看不见前方你就是我的眼眸。You where my eyes when couldn't see.

是因为她迷人深邃的蓝色眼眸?Was it her alluring, powder-blue eyes?

当我看不到前方,你就是我的眼眸。You were my eyes when I could not see.

那手脚、嘴唇、眼眸及眉额。Of hand , of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow.

世界的色彩是爱人眼眸的一抹底色。The color of the worlds lover eyes a background.

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永恒不变的爱,让我融化在你的眼眸。Eternity of love , makes me melt in your eyeballs.

到最后不记得是谁先朦胧了眼眸。The story to finally, don't remember who first obscure eyes.

希罗正在沉默的望着他,眼眸变成了淡蓝色。Hiro was looking at him silently, his eyes growing light blue.

烟雾渐渐散去,眼前出现了一个一身黑色,有着紫色眼眸的俊逸非凡的男子。Suddenly, the narcissus became a handsome man with purple eyes.

因为那如平静无波的眼眸里此刻已经有了光彩。Because that such as there is by now brilliance in the calm eyes.

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在这样一个夜晚,透过朦胧的眼眸里所闪出的纯真。In such a night, through which came a dim Yanmou where innocence.

东方锦看着花无心的眼眸一亮。The east brocade seeing at to spend not intentional eyes a shine.

阳光会刺痛眼眸,让我再也看不清方向。The sunlight will hurt your eyes, let I couldn t clear direction.

晴天总是那么短,暗灰色早已侵占了眼眸里的天空。It is always so short, dark gray had encroached on eyes in the sky.

抑或只是一个嫣然浅笑,便点燃了你眼眸中的那抹闪亮。Maybe even give a little smile and ignite that twinkle in your eye.

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踏过枯黄的草地。清澈的溪流是你的眼眸。Stepping over the yellow grass. Limpid streams are the eyes of you.

给人印象最深的眼眸,能告诉人一切,但是他已经被这些所震蹑。And impressive sight, all told, but it was that which had shocked him.

眉峰应当在眼睛平视时,你眼眸外缘的上方。While in the eye when eyebrow peak shall, on the top of the outer eyes.