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向南独断专行,气走西光。South autocratic, gas go west light.

在外交政策上,放单飞/独断专行,风险很大。In foreign policy, flying solo can be risky business.

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我学会了以辩证的角度看待事物,学会了憎恶战争和任何形式的独断专行。I have learned to see the relativity of things, to abhor war, and dogmatism in any form.

一些人认为,小泽一郎当前的独断专行也许就是在威吓那些起诉人。Some believe Mr Ozawa's recent assertiveness may be a shot across the prosecutors' bows.

值得注意的是,甚至有的英主也看到皇帝独断专行的危害。It is noteworthy that even some British owners also see that the emperor autocratic hazards.

那种独断专行,把同盟者置之不理的态度,是不对的。It is wrong to indulge in arbitrary decisions and peremptory actions and to ignore our allies.

当中国那些独断专行的人紧张的旁观中东暴动的时候,中国人权的不良记录也越来越多。China’s human rights record has gotten worse, as its autocrats nervously watch the Middle East uprisings.

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隐瞒消息或者独断专行,是在我看来管理者们口碑变坏的原因。This is where I think managers get bad reputations, hiding information or doling it out as he or she sees fit.

要小心避免独断专行地改变目标、优柔寡断或者不放手资源,这些都会阻碍进步。Scrupulously avoid impeding progress by changing goals autocratically, being indecisive, or holding up resources.

提出这项修正案的理由是,这样做可防止未来的总统独断专行。The rationale for the amendment was that it would prevent future presidents from attempting to claim dictatorial powers.

普京总统将能源作为武器,只不过表明了当今俄罗斯近似于匪性的独断专行。Mr Putin's use of energy as a weapon is only one instance of a Russian assertiveness that nowadays seems to border on gangsterism.

是时候让他们对自己的行为负责和做出解释了,然后人民就会明白没有美联储的独断专行,我们在自由的环境下会过的更好。It is time they answered for their actions, so the people can understand that we truly are better off with freedom instead of Fed tyranny.

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然而,中国官方承诺的“和谐世界”的主张总是和美国在伊拉克战争和阿富汗战争中的独断专行格格不入。Yet China's official commitment to a "harmonious world" is often at odds with an assertive America fighting two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

你有着相当独断专行的能量,并希望能控制你所在的任何状况,这在你年轻的时候会是个问题。You have very strong self-assertive energies, and you want to be in control of every situation you are in, which can create problems while you are young.

一个一流的大学并不仅仅象征着科研中心,同时也是一个网络中心,文化巨无霸,如果你幸运的话,它还是一个独断专行的地主。A top-tier university is not only significant as a research center, but as a networking hub, cultural behemoth, and, if you're lucky, a wheeler-dealer landlord.

最近,一名从出了名得独断专行的前任手中继承衣钵的首席执行官,指责我不应暗示这种领导方式已经过时。One chief executive who had inherited the role from a notoriously autocratic predecessor rebuked me recently for suggesting such leadership traits were outmoded.

政府严厉甚至独断专行的干预导致经济发生了明显的扭曲,对电价和油价的控制就是最明显的例子。Heavy-handed and often arbitrary government interventions have caused massive distortion in the economy, as shown in the case of price controls for electricity and fuels.

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1995年,上一次我生活在俄罗斯的时候,那里真是一片混乱--高犯罪率和克林姆林宫里独断专行的叶利钦。By 1995, the last time I lived there, Russia had disintegrated into a rudderless mess, defined most by a bestial crime rate and Boris Yeltsin's kleptocracy in the Kremlin.

有的时候需要一点独断专行,但你做决定之前,不会得到所有的数据,在你想要进行变革时尤其如此。Sometimes it takes a little bit of arbitrariness, but you've got to make the decision before you have all the data, and particularly when you are trying to change something.

分权制衡减少领导人对利益集团负责或独断专行,使之尊重法律规定的权力界限。The check and balance of powers reduces the responsibility or the monopolistic power of the top leaders for interest groups. It obliges them to respect the law-stipulated power limits.